How to setup Ternary statement.....

Im having problems trying to do a ternary statement when my code contains alot of if statements.

Ive got a chart of a tax schedule
0-100 is 0%
101-200 is 10%
201-300 is 20%
301-400 is 30%
401-500 is 40%
501-999 is 50%

ive named the variable I want to cout as Trate....

small example:

if (x>=0 && x<=100)
 cout << Trate;

The if statement goes all the way to 999 and then cout's a Trate (tax rate)

How can I set up a ternary to shrinken the if statements I have ? It takes up nearly 20 lines.....
Ternary expressions and if statements are two different things.

A ternary expression evaluates a condition and results in one of two possible values.

I don't recommend ternary expressions for what you're trying to do. Nested ternary expression can get unreadable pretty quickly. Also, since a ternary operator results in an expression, you're going to find it hard to mix that with cout which is a statement.

    cout << (x<=100)?0.10:(x<=200)?0.20:(x<=300)?0.30:(x<=400)?0.40:(x<=999)?0.50:0;

BTW, you don't specify what rate should be if x > 999. Note the 0 in the last ternary operator.

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