Okay, so I am working on a project and here is one of the questions
1. Write a program that calculates the number of huge, large, medium, and small containers needed to send the shipment in the minimum number of containers and with the minimum amount of wasted container space.
And here is what I wrote down
cout << "No. Doflingies: " << totDoflingies;
cout << " \n";
totDoflingies / huge = Hugeboxes;
totDoflingies % huge = remainderDoflingies;
remainderDoflingies / large = Largeboxes;
remainderDoflingies % large = leftoverDoflingies;
leftoverDoflingies / medium = Mediumboxes;
leftoverDoflingies % medium = Smallboxes;
totDoflingies / huge = Hugeboxes;
totDoflingies % huge = remainderDoflingies;
remainderDoflingies / large = Largeboxes;
remainderDoflingies % large = leftoverDoflingies;
leftoverDoflingies / medium = Mediumboxes;
leftoverDoflingies % medium = Smallboxes;
You can't do arithmetic on the left side of the assignment operator.
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