„QT Gui Application“

Jan 23, 2015 at 4:20pm
Can anybody help with Qt GUI application ?? plz write me PM !
Last edited on Jan 23, 2015 at 4:21pm
Jan 23, 2015 at 5:14pm
GUI! We hates it! We hates it forever!

Do you have any concrete question?

Have you studied the Qt documentation, tutorials, and examples http://doc.qt.io/ ?
Jan 23, 2015 at 5:26pm
Yeap I read a lot of theory but it's not "working" ... I mean I need to make button which can calculate (heatIndex) and that's all..

void KaunoKlinikos::Ward()
    QString Temperature=ui->textTemp->toPlainText();
            QString Humidity=ui->textHumidity->toPlainText();
            QString HeatIndex=ui->textHeatIndex->toPlainText();
            double HeatIndex=(HeatIndex.toDouble())+(Temperature.toInt()+Humidity.toFloat());
            QString Result;

I already know that this codewon't work. Just wanna make a few buttons which can calculate some things :D and that's all :D
Jan 23, 2015 at 5:27pm
there are no colours in the code 'cause I changed my language to english :)
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:01pm
Buttons do not calculate. Buttons can send a signal that they have been clicked. The signal can be connected to a "slot" function, which will be executed whenever the signal is emitted.

Ok, we see a function that does calculate something. However, we cannot possibly tell yet what is "not working", because we have seen only one small function. It is hard to say whether even that function does what it logically should.

What is "not working"? No button? No change in ui->textResult on click? Unexpected result? Crash? Fails to compile?
Jan 24, 2015 at 11:43am
Ok so I have a hospital and there are some rooms... so I made buttons as a rooms.. and when I click on that button I can write temperature and humidity (in the "Text edit") and after this when I know temperature and humidity I can calculate HeatIndex... so how to make code ???
Jan 24, 2015 at 3:54pm
when I click on that button I can write temperature and humidity


That implies that clicking that button is connected to a code that will show a separate dialog that contains (text edit) widgets. In other words that button is not directly involved in any calcuation.

Btw, why "text edit"? There are QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox, and QLineEdit widgets. If the input values are numeric, then use a widget that enforces the property.
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