Formatting Output (setw or right justify)
Jan 21, 2015 at 8:39am UTC
All I want to do is format the output to where everything is lined up.
I have a program that calculates monthly payments for a loan in one function, and displays an amortization table in another function. Specifically, I need the decimals to line up exactly, and it would be nice if the numbers lined up under their headings as well. Can someone please help me? I obviously don't understand setw.
Here is what my output currently looks like...
Payment Num. Beg. Balance Payment Interest Paid Principal New Balance
1 $120000.00 $922.70 $850.00 $72.70 $119927.30
2 $119927.30 $922.70 $849.49 $73.21 $119854.09
3 $119854.09 $922.70 $848.97 $73.73 $119780.36
4 $119780.36 $922.70 $848.44 $74.25 $119706.11
5 $119706.11 $922.70 $847.92 $74.78 $119631.33
6 $119631.33 $922.70 $847.39 $75.31 $119556.03
355 $5401.48 $922.70 $38.26 $884.44 $4517.04
356 $4517.04 $922.70 $32.00 $890.70 $3626.34
357 $3626.34 $922.70 $25.69 $897.01 $2729.33
358 $2729.33 $922.70 $19.33 $903.36 $1825.97
359 $1825.97 $922.70 $12.93 $909.76 $916.21
360 $916.21 $916.21 $6.49 $916.21 $0.00
And here is my code... This is just the function in which I am having trouble formatting the output (where all the setw's are at the very bottom).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
void amortizationTable(double &principal, double &interest, double &years, double payment)
int count; //Keeps track of number of payments
double newBalance, //Beginning balance
endBalance, //Ending balance
interestPaid, //Amount of interest paid
principalPaid; //Amount of principal paid
//formatting for decimals
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
//setting up table headers
cout << "Payment Num." << setw(15) << "Beg. Balance" << setw(10) << "Payment" ;
cout << setw(11) << "Interest" << setw(17) << "Paid Principal" << setw(15) << "New Balance\n\n" ;
endBalance = principal;
for (count = 1; count < (years * 12 + 1); count++)
newBalance = endBalance;
interestPaid = (newBalance * interest) / 12;
principalPaid = payment - interestPaid;
endBalance = newBalance - principalPaid;
if (newBalance < payment)
payment = newBalance;
endBalance = 0.00;
if (count < 7 || count >((years * 12 + 1) - 7))
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << setw(3) << count;
cout << setw(13) << "$" << newBalance;
cout << setw(6) << "$" << payment;
cout << setw(4) << "$" << interestPaid;
cout << setw(5) << "$" << principalPaid;
cout << setw(11) << "$" << endBalance << endl;
Jan 21, 2015 at 9:24am UTC
cout << setw(13) << "$" << newBalance;
Is same as this:
1 2
cout << setw(13) << "$" ;
cout << newBalance;
The setw affects only the $.
The might be able to format dollars.
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