Monkey Assignment Help

Hello, I am having problems with this assignment I was given in my C++ class. I'm going to just go ahead and type what the exact question is because I am at a loss for how to explain what I need to do and how to explain it. Here it goes..

A local organ grinder wants to keep track of how many bananas each of his three monkeys eat each day during a typical week.
Write a program that stores this information in a two-dimensional (3x5) array, where each row represents a different monkey and each column represents a different day of the week.
For convenience, the program should use a random number generator to "feed" each monkey 1 to 9 bananas each day of the week - all of which will be displayed in a nicely formatted table [Example Below]

The program should create some kind of an output that does
-The average amount of bananas eaten per day by the whole family of monkeys
-The average amount of bananas eaten per week by each monkey
-The total amount of bananas eaten per week by each monkey
-The least amount of bananas eaten during the week, and by any which monkey
-The greatest amount of bananas eaten during the week, and by which monkey.

To complete the process, it needs a multidimensional array and functions to:
-Use a random number banana feeder to 'feed the Monkeys for 7 days and display the table.
-Calculate the average amount of bananas eaten by the monkeys for each day
-Calculate the Total number of bananas each week per monkey
-Calculate the average number of bananas eaten each week per monkey
-identify the monkey that ate the least bananas and display how many were eaten during he week
-identify the monkey that ate the most bananas and display how many were eaten during the week.

I realize this looks pretty confusing... this is why I am posting the exact question because if I would have tweaked or reworded anything to shorten it, it would cause even more confusion.

Thanks to anyone who feels like they can tackle this and help me out.
Do you know a "2D array"?

Do you know a "nested loop"?
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