List of books - In which order to study?


I've set myself a goal which is to become as proefficient with C++ as I can become. I've already looked for recommendations, and I've found a couple of books which I want to work through - probably over the years.

My list of books:
1.) Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs - by Scott Mayer.

2.)Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example - by Andrew Koenig

3.)Inside the C++ Object Model - by Stanley Lippman

4.)Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - by Erich Gamma

5.)API Design for C++ - by Martin Reddy

#1 is about best practices in the language, I believe.
#2 is a (fast paced) introductory book.
#3 is about what happens behind the curtains in one's code ... code that is managed by the compiler if I'm not wrong.
#4 and #5 are self explanationary.

Also note that I'm currently working through an introductory book which is quite OK. So I have a basic understanding of what C++ looks like ... more or less.

The question that I have is ... in which order would you suggest me to work through these books? Preferably with reasons as to why so.
The order I thought of is the same as above, though I'm unsure about #1-#2, and #3-#4.

Hopefully this is a legit question to be asked in here.

I appreciate all answers in advance.
I only have 1 and 4 so i can only comment on those.

I'm currently working through an introductory book
. I'd carry on working through this book and the tutorials on this website for now. the books you've listed (with maybe #2 & #3 as exceptions) are books to look at after you feel like you have some sort of grounding in c++.

In my opinion number 1 is an excellent book. number 4 is more of a reference and book and is written in a fairly horrible robotic way. If you want to learn about design patterns i actually found a java book to be incredibly good and explaining the concepts:

edit: there's a link to a thread on this site somewhere with a good book list, but I can't remember where it is sorry. I'm hoping someone else can link it?
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Do you mean "stack overflow C++ books" @google ?
Thanks for the answer @mutexe. I will consider that.

Well, I've got most of those books from here:

It's a very helpful guide, but I'm also interested in the order I should study them, given my current situation.
from your list, 2 and 3.
Don't go anywhere near the others (for now).
2 and 3 are helping you learn c++, and the others are more reference once you've learnt the syntax of c++.

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If you want to read them one after the other, this is the order that I would suggest:

1. Accelerated C++
2. Effective C++
3. API Design for C++
4. Design Patterns
5. Inside the C++ Object Model
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