Book suggestions?

I'm at a point where I've studied and messed with C++ with "YouTube Tutorials" and feel like picking up a book and hammering into it to help solidify my understanding of the various parts of the language. I've currently got the book "C++ Primer Plus Fifth Edition" and was wondering if it's still a viable resource even if there is a "Sixth Edition" available. Should I not bother with this book that I've already got and look for other books? If so which do you recommend? Otherwise I'm just gonna start hammering into this Primer Plus Fifth Edition book.

I know a lot of people are going to say "Don't worry about books, just use youtube and google". I would agree with that however I quite enjoy reading and often times retain things better with text rather than just video.
Any, or all, of these:

Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition) - Stroustrup

C++ Primer (5th edition) - Lippman, Lajoie, Moo

Accelerated C++ - Koenig, Moo
Excellent I'll more than likely load up on these. Is there a particular order I should read/study into these?
All three are introductory books.
If you intend to get all three, read them in parallel; each book has something different to offer.
Would reading the book I've already got be beneficial at all? I'm not a complete beginner, just want to build on what I already know.

That's the book I currently have.
jumping into c++ of alex allain is also good
C++ Programming in easy steps, 4th ed - Mike Mcgrath
C++ How to Program 9th Ed - Deitel
Problem Solving with C++ 9th Ed - Walter Savitch
C + + Programming: from Problem Analysis to Program Design, 6th Ed - DS Mallic
> Would reading the book I've already got be beneficial at all?

No. Not when you would be having three much better books to learn from.
as a beginner I seek books which are the easiest and quickest to learn. at beginning level to much technicalities perplexes the reader and learning becomes slow.
As stated before. I am not a complete beginner. I have my head around most of the basics (functions, classes, inheritance, etc) Just want some good read material to pick up on things I may have missed or learn new things I still need. So a full on BEGINNER book isn't what I am after.
in that case you can probably focus in Libraries now. web is much better than books for Libraries.
I think I want to focus on games, and not so much windows applications. Might look into the SFML book available.

you can start SFML
<a href="" title ="SFML tutorial">

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Yes I've seen that site, and tutorials before. I'm looking for physical books at the moment. I know SFML has one, that's why I brought it up :)
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