This is just one part of the program. We have this file which contains a string of DNA (ACAAGATGCCATTGTCCCCCGGCCTCCTGCTGCTGCTGCTCTCCGGGGCCACGGCCACCGCTGCCCTGCC) but much longer. I was able to read into my program pass it to the function and change it to RNA. Now I have to store so it comes out as three letters at a time because I will be using it for later to help with a search.
I was told to use substr and I am confused on how to use it and if I should use it in the main or the function after it is converted.
1. Reinvention of wheel. There are many bioinformatics-programs already. You should use existing libraries for such mundane jobs.
2. What you do in the code, does not quite make sense. Perhaps it is due to the things that you do not show? Perhaps it is the naming of the variables? Hard to tell.
3. How do you know the correct reading frame? How do you know that the sequence actually codes a protein?
4. What data do you actually need to keep? Protein sequence?