#include <iostream>
using std::cout; using std::endl;
#ifndef VARARRAY_H_
#define VARARRAY_H_
class varArray{
varArray(); // void constructor
int arraySize() const { return size; } // returns the size of the array
int check(int number); // returns index of element containg "number" or -1 if none
void addNumber(int); // adds number to the array
void removeNumber(int); // deletes the number from the array
void output(); // prints the values of the array
// big three
varArray(const varArray&); // copy constructor
varArray& operator=(const varArray&); // overloaded assignment
~varArray(); // destructor
int *dArray; // pointer to the dynamically allocated array
int size; // array size
#endif /* VARARRAY_H_ */
#include "vararray.h"
void testfunc(varArray); // function to test pass-by-value for varArray
int main(){
varArray a1;
// testing regular member functions
a1.addNumber(3); // trying to add duplicate, should not add it
cout << "array size is: " << a1.arraySize() << endl;
if (a1.check(1) != -1) // check() returns -1 if number not present
cout << "1 is present in the array" << endl;
if (a1.check(5) != -1)
cout << "5 is present in the array" << endl;
/* // uncomment this when you debugged the first part
varArray a2,a3;
a3=a2=a1; // testing overloaded assignment
a3=a3; // testing protection against self-assingment
testfunc(a3); // testing copy constructor
a3.output(); // if destructor is implemented correctly
// this should print properly after testfunc completes
// tests pass-by-value for object of class varArray
void testfunc(varArray va){ // copy constructor is invoked on "va"
} // destructor is invoked when "va" goes out of scope