Hi I'm trying to write a program that the user enters their marks for coursework and exam, then put out their total marks and the grade (A* to F).
It looks correct to me but if i enter any marks it puts out A* for all of them.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong so please help.
Was looking at your problem in the doctor's office but I got called in and AbstractionAnon beat me to the reply =P
As AbstractionAnon said,
Your first statement is saying:
If the total is greater than 85
If the total is less than 100 and both the coursework and exam scores are above 15
(which I would assume if a student attempted either the coursework or exam, their score better be above 15%)
Hence, you are the nicest teacher in the world, giving all students A*, as long as their coursework and exam scores are greater than 15% (and their total grade is below 100%).