
your asked to process the grades of a class of n students (n to be entered by the user). for each student, the user will enter the name and a list of 4 grades, each out of 10. Make sure your prompt displays how the user should enter them ( same line, different lines, etc..) the program stores this information in an array of strings and a 2-dim array of grades, and then calculates each student average , out of 100, as well as the class average (out of 100). the output consists of the class average, flowed by each student's name, with a massage indicating his/her average and whether he/she is above or below the class average.
Show us your code and explain the specific errors in it. Then we can help.
You need to make an effort and post your coding attempt around here. We will be happy to help but will not do your homework for you. Show us what you've tried...
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