print size of an array?

I have an array and in one function i need to print the size of it in megabytes

Is there a way to do so? I am not sure if sizeof prints the size of an array in megabytes

Right now in this function I have:
  void Entrylist::Size()
   cout << "Size of list: " << sizeof(entryList) << " mb.";
//entryList is my array of Entries
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sizeof gives the size in bytes.
so sizeof is the correct one to use?
//entryList is my array of Entries
sizeof would work corectly only if entryList is a static array. If it is a dinamic array (allocated by new) it would not give correct results.
In this case you need to multiply sizeof(Entry) by amount of entries.
This method does not take into account dynamic memory used by Entries if it is relevent to you.
Well, it depends... sizeof a pointer will give you the size of the pointer without caring about what the pointer points to.

char arr[5];
char* ptr = new char[5];
std::cout << sizeof(arr) << std::endl; // 5
std::cout << sizeof(ptr) << std::endl; // sizeof(char*) - usually 4 or 8 
if i did sizeof(entryList[2]) for example would that give me the size of the one Entry?

and yeah, the dynamic memory is important
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All entries in the array has the same size, the way sizeof computes the size. Note that sizeof is computed at compile time. It's only looking at the type when deciding the size. sizeof(entryList[2]) will give you the same value as sizeof(entryList[1]) and sizeof(entryList[0]).
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