ISBN Title Author Price Qtty
==== ===== ====== ===== ====
A: 0525947671 The Lady and the Unicorn Chevalier, Tracy 24.47 15
A: 0807282588 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J. K. Rowling 18
.17 34
A: 0694525421 The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 3)
Lemony Snicket 10 11
A: 0310209072 The Purpose-Driven Life Rick Warren 19.99 10
P: 0525947671 The Lady and the UnicornChevalier, Tracy32.9525
P: 1884822673 365 Simple Science Experiments With Everyday Materi
alsChurchill, E. Richard8.8820
P: 0618256288 What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?Robin Page, St
eve Jenkins10.492
P: 0395938473 The New Way Things WorkMacaulay, David17.3223
Each output item, should be under the column. I'm having big problems trying to get them all lined up. I was given a clue that I should "cut off" text for the title field, as it's running too long and pushing all subsequent lines off. How do I manipulate cout so that the title is limited to a certain number of characters.
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
cout<<setw(5)<<"the"<<endl; //print "the" in a field width of 5 characters
cout<<setw(3)<"jafar"<<endl; //print "jafar" in a field width of 3 characters