using system
im trying to use the bitConverter.GetBytes method from system
but im not sure what i need in order to use this method
do i need to include something like
#include<windows.system.h> ?
any help is greatly appreciated!
Do you know that would be C++/CLI (.net) not C++?
no i did not know this. that does not sound like a language at all. i have a lot to learn.
i guess i should simply do the bit conversion myself?
is there any methods c++ might have for this?
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#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
using byte = unsigned char ;
template < typename T > std::array< byte, sizeof(T) > to_bytes( T&& object )
std::array< byte, sizeof(T) > bytes ;
const byte* begin = reinterpret_cast< const byte* >( std::addressof( object ) ) ;
std::uninitialized_copy( begin, begin + sizeof( T ), bytes.begin() ) ;
return bytes ;
// *** invariant *** the input byte sequence was obtained by copying the underlying bytes
// ***************** of an initialised object of the trivially copyable type T
template < typename T, typename BYTE_SEQ >
typename std::enable_if< std::is_trivially_copyable<T>::value >::type
set_bytes( const BYTE_SEQ& bytes, T& object )
const auto obj_begin = reinterpret_cast< byte* >( std::addressof( object ) ) ;
const auto n = std::min( bytes.size(), sizeof( T ) ) ;
std::uninitialized_copy( std::begin( bytes ), std::begin( bytes ) + n, obj_begin ) ;
int main()
unsigned long long i = 0x12'34'56'78'9a'bc ; // c++14 (same as: 0x123456789abc)
const auto bytes = to_bytes(i) ;
std::cout << "bytes (host-endian): " << std::hex ;
for( auto byte : bytes ) std::cout << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << unsigned(byte) << ' ' ;
std::cout << '\n' ;
i = 0 ;
set_bytes( bytes, i ) ;
std::cout << i << '\n' ;
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