I know that you can make games and windows apps (heavy things ... which needs years and years of learning)
but i want to know if i can make something in a short term so i feel that I'm actually doing something
you can learn java and android to develop android apps
you can learn c# and make windows phone apps
but what other things you can make with c++(which needs about year or two of learning) ?
A console calculator. I started learning C++ about one year ago, and I started working on the program probably sometime in February or March. I've 'finished' the program more than once, so I don't exactly know how long I've spent on it, but I'd guess a few months of working on it one or two hours a day a few times a week.
Maybe I need something more advanced it's almost six months and all i make is console programs :(
I've finished a book about c++ (object-oriented programming by Robert Lafore)
But don't know what to do next ?
It was a program that i used files with to store data
it's like a store organizer that able you to monitor your goods (it was laptops)
Add Device - Edit Price
- show info about specific device(and how many items of this device is exist in the store)
- show all devices in store
- Print a bill
and it has another part which make user search for laptops and filter the results
- By Price (3000-5000 L.E)
- BY Brand (HP-DELL-...)
- By Cpu speed
- compare between two devices or show more details about one device
This might not excite you, but for me it's amazing to create and render art, and C++ can do this faster than a lot of other languages. (Well I haven't done too much but I have ideas once I have more time)
For example, one of the first things I made was a Mandelbrot fractal and output it as a PNG image. I've been using a library called LodePNG, which someone once recommended in another thread. http://lodev.org/lodepng/
There's also a multi-media library called SFML that is fairly easy to learn the basics of, you can make games or any other kind of application that uses graphics with it, it shouldn't take years. http://sfml-dev.org/
At the risk of hijacking ohefny's question, I am curious about its capabilities too. I'm interested in doing web development and/or web design when I finish school. The majority of my classes will push generous-sized C++ projects, but I don't often see C++ as being a common thing to know over PHP, Perl, jQuery, maybe Python, HTML, JavaScript, etc. Learning C++ along with discrete math has definitely helped me plan out an algorithm better, but I kinda fear it will fall into disuse if I do go into that field.