we are required to generate prime numbers from 1 to 300 using the vector class and the vector erase function(v.erase(v.begin+1)). We are told to delete the non prime number from the list. So far I am only able to delete the even number. I know that using vector.erase() is probably not the most efficient way to create this program. But the assignment requires us to use it.
I have no idea how to continue. So far, my code looks like:
Your isPrime function doesn't work properly. Your return statement on line 70 should be outside the loop. There are lots of posts about making an isPrime function is would look at some of those.
A bigger loop hole is the fact that fucntion isPrime(int) does not check all elements of the vector.
sample = ...... 8, 9,10, ....
when i reaches i = x where, sample[x] = 8 ,, it erases sample[x] and reduces the vector size by 1 (shifting all elements one place to the left) but the count of i is maintained as x
Hence, the next iteration, i = x+1 , where sample[i] = 10 and thus did not check 9 .
Add the line --i after the erase() inside the if statement so that isPrime() can recheck that position that position occupied by the new element.
Firstly, the second for loop in the [code ] Eratos [/code] function should start from [code ] i = 0 [/code] and then in then isPrime() should be isPrime(v.at(i)) and not isPrime(i) .
Run this code that explains why you have to add --i .
You realise that, if erase() erases an element in an index, then the new element that fills that index is not checked by isPrime() .
In the example above, when isPrime() is checking 4, i = 2.
When it erases 4( position 2), 5 replaces that position. But then i goes to 3 in the next iteration. Hence did not check 5( in position 2) that replaced 4.
Adding --i will recheck the new element in the position that was just erased.