This is my first function which I do to write data which are saved in binaries array and I want them to save them e.g. in files like 1.bin, 2.bin or possibly kernel_1.bin, kernel_2.bin and so. I am stucked with the problem how to name the file. Possibly error may be on these two lines:
1 2
char * fname;
fname = (char)n+1;
I also tried
char fname[] = (char)n;
where I got error.
May you help to finish this to success full finish? Any errors or mistakes I did?
and as result fname is: "kernel_1.bin\000|\000\000\035\002¸Ű\035\002`\000\000@dw’|\000\000\035\002@\bŰ\003`\000\000@\377\377\377\377dw’|"
I use the code blocks but I think this is all right because the \000 finishes the string.