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#include "TelephoneNumber.h"
#include "WorkingTN.h"
#include "BillingTN.h"
using namespace std;
ostream &operator << (ostream &Out, TelephoneNumber &TN)
return Out;
void main()
//Declaring Telephone Objects
TelephoneNumber YourNumber;
TelephoneNumber Paul("719", "590", "6768");
TelephoneNumber Bob("719", "590", "6729");
WorkingTN CSStaff1("719", "590", "6732", "Book Store");
WorkingTN CSStaff2("212", "371", "6940", "Borland C++ Guru");
WorkingTN CSStaff3("405", "612", "3433", "Visual C++ Expert");
BillingTN CSDept("719", "590", "6850", "Dean of CS");
BillingTN Library("719", "598", "6708", "Librarian");
BillingTN Reception("719", "598", "0200", "Receptionist", 35);
cout << "Testing the overloaded << operator with the virtual" << "PrintToStream() \n";
cout << "\nThe Telephone numbers are: \n";
cout << YourNumber << endl;
cout << Paul << endl;
cout << Bob << endl;
cout << "\nThe working Telephone numbers are: \n";
cout << CSStaff1 << endl;
cout << CSStaff2 << endl;
cout << CSStaff3 << endl;
cout << "\nThe Billing Telephones numbers are: \n";
cout << CSDept << endl;
cout << Library << endl;
cout << Reception << endl;
cout << "End Tests of Telephone hierachy!" << endl;