Help understanding code

Could someone help me understand this piece of code. excerpt from the official SFML 2.1 tutorial:

A sf::Time value can be constructed from different source units: seconds, milliseconds and microseconds. There is a (non-member) function to turn each of them into a sf::Time:

sf::Time t1 = sf::microseconds(10000);
sf::Time t2 = sf::milliseconds(10);
sf::Time t3 = sf::seconds(0.01f);

What I don't specifically understand is the "sf::Time" bit. Time is a class it seems to me, but it is being set to a value and that doesn't make any sense. Help is appreciated. Thanks!
The code declares three sf::Time variables t1, t2 and t3 that are initialized to the values returned by the function calls.
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Ohhhhh I understand now. Time is a "custom variable." Thanks!
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