storing one item in two different vectors

It seems it's not possible to store the same item in *two* different vectors, right?

The way I tested this was pushing the item to vector1, then to vector2, then getting pointers to each and comparing them: the addresses are different.
Does this make sense?
Since the addresses were different I assume one is a copy.


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have a vector of pointers.
then you can have many things pointing to the same object if you so desire.
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Thanks mutexe!

What I actually want to do is this:

vector1 // all items
vector2 // only a subset

So vector2 would have to hold pointers, like this:

vector<Item>  vector1;
vector<Item*> vector2;

When I access/modify items via vector2 I'd need a pointer to a pointer, right?
Like this:

Item **item = &vector2[i];

That seems complicated.
Alternatively, this would create a copy of the pointer, right?

Item *item = vector2[i];

What's an efficient and sensible way of doing this?
I'll need to do these operations a few thousand times in a loop.
Not talking about premature optimisation, just doing things in a way that's not too wasteful.
Item **item = &vector2[i];

Do you really need an extra level of indirection here?
vector2[i] is a pointer. No need to create a pointer to it.
Does not help if vector2 pointer is invalidated (see below).
Item *item = vector2[i];

Alternatively, this would create a copy of the pointer, right?

Yes. A copy of the pointer is created. That shouldn't be a problem, but that depends on how long you keep it around.

Keep in mind that if you're adding items to vector1 after you create vector2, vector1 could get reallocated thereby invalidating any pointers stored in vector2.

Thanks AbstractionAnon!

The variable is temporary, only needed in the loop.
So copies of the pointers is actually the better solution, or is there another alternative I've overlooked?

Btw, is there any difference between creating the var inside the loop versus creating it before and then reassigning it on each iteration? I mean

   int * ptr = vector2[i];


int * ptr;
   ptr = vector2[i];

I'm guessing that's optimised by the compiler anyway, isn't it?

>Do you really need an extra level of indirection here?

No, I just assumed it would be more efficient.

> Keep in mind that if you're adding items ...

Thanks for the heads-up! However vector1 never changes. Only vector2, it'll hold different subsets of vector1 for different states of the app.

I'm guessing that's optimised by the compiler anyway, isn't it?

Correct. Assuming you have optimization turned on.

No, I just assumed it would be more efficient.

Actually not, since an extra level of redirection is involved. i.e. The pointer has to be dereferenced twice.

Cheers, much appreciated!

Is there any typical use case for pointers to pointers actually?
Yes. One common use case is passing a pointer to a function when the function wants to update the caller's pointer.

  int *some_ptr;   // pointer to something
  some_func (&some_ptr);  //  pass address of pointer
void some_func (int **callers_ptr)
{  callers_ptr++;  // increment pointer in calling function 

Interesting, is there a technical reason using a pointer instead of a reference to the pointer?

I somehow internalised that references are preferred for arguments.

void some_func ( int* & callers_ptr )
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No technical difference. As far as the compiler is concerned, they're both an address or an address of an address in the case of a double pointer or a reference to a pointer.

Coming from a heavy C background, pointers to pointers (and to pointers, etc) is intuitive. References to pointers is certainly the preferred C++ idiom. I'll always use a reference when passing a struct or class around, but for me, a pointer to a pointer is clearer rather than mixing references and pointers. Others may have different preferences.

Thanks, makes sense.
I think the double asterisk signature is certainly a stronger hint that something special is going on, and it looks more elegant.
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