Ok I am making progress! I think. So now the code will compile and run, but I need spaces between the "You have12quarters" etc, and if I add them into the code lines, nothing happens. The only other issue I am having now is that the statement for the else condition prints along with number of coins.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
#include <string>
using std::string;
using std::getline;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int value;//amount to be declared by user
char string1[] = "quarters\n";
char string2[] = "dimes\n";
char string3[] = "nickels\n";
char string4[] = "pennies\n";
cout << "Enter dollar amount\n";//prompts user for value
cin >> value;//user enters dollar amount
double operator1 = (value / 0.25);//calculates number of quarters based on user input
double operator2 = (value / 0.10);//calculates number of dimes based on user input
double operator3 = (value / 0.05);//calucates number of nickels based on user input
double operator4 = (value / 0.01);//calculates number of pennies based on user input
if (value >= 1.00)
cout << "You have" << (value / 0.25) << string1;
cout << "You have" << (value / 0.10) << string2;
cout << "You have" << (value / 0.05) << string3;
cout << "You have" << (value / 0.01) << string4;
} else
if (value < 1.00);
cout << "Sorry, you are broke\n";
return 0;