Jun 14, 2014 at 9:20pm UTC
Hey guys so I made a Rock Paper Scissors program, you enter an input and a computer chooses one and it decides who the winner is.I just wanted some input from you guys where I could improve in this program, I mean I know it compiles and works but I want to be the best programmer as possible and have good practices.
In addition to that, is the random_device the recommended way to generate a random number? I am looking for efficiency here and I hated using rand() :( .
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/*RockPaperScissors.cpp by Jacob Amaral*/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "string"
#include "vector"
#include "random"
using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::random_device;
string playerChoice, computerChoice;
string choosePlayerOption(), chooseComputerOption();
void calculateWinner(string option1, string option2), startGame();
/*Main method*/
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cout << "Welcome to the RockPaperScissors the game! \n" << endl;
}//end of main
/*startGame method*/
void startGame()
if (playerChoice == "rock" || playerChoice == "paper" || playerChoice == "scissors" )
calculateWinner(playerChoice, computerChoice);
}//end of startGame
/*playersChoice method - a method that returns the players choice*/
string choosePlayerOption()
do {
cout << "Please choose either rock paper or scissors :" << endl;
cin >> playerChoice;
while (playerChoice != "rock" && playerChoice != "paper" && playerChoice != "scissors" );
if (playerChoice == "rock" || playerChoice == "paper" || playerChoice == "scissors" )
return playerChoice;
}//end of playersChoice
/*chooseComputerOption - a method that returns the computers choice*/
string chooseComputerOption()
random_device chooseOption;
vector<string> options{ "rock" , "paper" , "scissors" };
computerChoice = options[chooseOption() % 3];
cout << "Your opponent chooses : " << computerChoice << "\n" << endl;
return computerChoice;
}//end of chooseComputerOption
/*calculateWinner - Calculates the winner based on the users input and the computers input*/
void calculateWinner(string option1, string option2)
if (option1 == "rock" && option2 == "rock" || option1 == "paper" && option2 == "paper" ||
option1 == "scissors" && option2 == "scissors" )
cout << "Its a draw, Please play again" << endl;
else if (option1 == "rock" && option2 == "scissors" || option1 == "paper" && option2 == "rock" ||
option1 == "scissors" && option2 == "paper" )
cout << "You win :D !" << endl;
else {
cout << "You lose :( !" << endl;
}//end of calculateWinner
Last edited on Jun 14, 2014 at 9:20pm UTC
Jun 14, 2014 at 10:37pm UTC
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
That is not a signature for C++'s main(). The _tmain must be some proprietary MS construct.
Do not use global variable unnecessarily.
Line 25. The choosePlayerOption() should guarantee that.
Line 40. The do-while loop should guarantee that.
Line 55. Return the reult for the caller. Let it show the result.
Lines 61, 67, 71. Recursion that you do not want. Have a do-while loop in startGame() instead.
You could use a lookup-table instead of the if-else in 57-72.