I am having trouble appending a class object node that has a member that is a linklist to that class object's linklist. The main linklist is called CDList. It is made of of CD class objects. One of the members of the CD class object is a linklist of structures called CdContence. It has members that hold a song title and length. I cant seem to get the program to append a CD class object to the CDList linklist. I can make it work just fine IF the members(song/songLength) of the CD node's linklist are empty. If I have assigned values to the members song and songLength and have appended those to the linklist in the CD class node, then I cannot get the program to append the CD node to CDList. (I hope the wording of my question makes sense cause this is hard to explain).
Linklist<CD> CDList;
CD album1;
CDList.appendNode(album1); //this works fine
Linklist<CD> CDList; //Linklist that stores CD class objects
CD album1; //CD class object has a member 'contence' that is a linklist
CdContence temp; //structure for linklist in the CD class that holds song titles and length's
temp.song = "song 1";
temp.length = "2:34";
album1.contence.appendNode(temp); //cont is the name of the linklist member in CD class
//now the list in the CD class object has at least one node that has data.
CDList.appendNode(album1);// This is where the program thows an error and quits working. I don't understand why.
Still need help with this one. I have played witht he debugger a little. The program runs through the appendNode function but executes an exception as soon as it leaves the function. The debugger brings up a delete function from a file called dbgdel.cpp
Clearly delete is being called somewhere. I see no calls to delete in AppendNode. Nor do I see any objects allocated locally which would implicity call their destructor when they go out of scope.
However, at liner 105 you're passing val1 in by value. This means that val1 was constructed before the call to AppendNode and T's destructor will be called upon the return from AppendNode. I would suggest looking at T's desctructor and make sure any deletes in T's destructor are valid.
Using your debugger, you should be able to see the call stack and that should show the caller of delete.
Looking at the call stack is a bit confusing for a noob like my self but I will try and interpret it.
msvcr110d.dll!operator delete(void * pUserData) Line 52 C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!std::allocator<char>::deallocate(char * _Ptr, unsigned int __formal) Line 586 C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!std::_Wrap_alloc<std::allocator<char> >::deallocate(char * _Ptr, unsigned int _Count) Line 888 C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Tidy(bool _Built, unsigned int _Newsize) Line 2265 C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >() Line 965 C++
I think I understand whats going on from here down. Its what is above this that I don't get.
I think that its having trouble deleting a node pointer for the CD class. I don't have a destructor written for the CD class and haven't been successful at writing one. If that's the problem I would sure love some help writing one.
FinnalProjectMain.exe!CdContence::~CdContence() C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!ListNode<CdContence>::~ListNode<CdContence>() C++
> FinnalProjectMain.exe!ListNode<CdContence>::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int) C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!LinkList<CdContence>::~LinkList<CdContence>() Line 96 C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!CD::~CD() C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!LinkList<CD>::appendNode(CD val1) Line 126 C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!main() Line 70 C++
FinnalProjectMain.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 536 C
FinnalProjectMain.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 377 C
kernel32.dll!7609338a() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]
ntdll.dll!76f39f72() Unknown
ntdll.dll!76f39f45() Unknown
msvcr110d.dll!operator delete(void * pUserData) Line 52
In the delete routine, the code is stopping on the _ASSERTE statement which is checking that the block that is about to be released is valid. That check is failing for one of two reasons. 1) The pointer to the block is bad, or 2) the pointer is valid, but the block has been corrupted.
delete was called from std::allocator<char>::deallocate(char * _Ptr, unsignedint __formal) Line 586. This the deallocate funtion of an allocator of type char.
Backing up farther we see std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >() Line 965 we see a desctrcutor for ~basic_string. So we can conclude that a std::string is being destructed.
Backing up one more level, we see one CdContence::~CdContence which is CdContence's destructor. From that and the previous stack frame, we can conclude that a std::string inside CdContence is being destructed. I don't see any code for your CdContence class, so I can't tell what's happening in CdContence's destructor.
Cdcontence is a struct that has two string members. How do check to see if the problem is the pointer or the block? Once i figure that out how do i fix it. I feel like Im a bit over my head but I really want to understand this, learn from it and move on. Thank you for you help and explinations. Im certi.anly learning from this.
EDIT: I dont have any char member variables iny any of the classes or structs. Why is it deallocating char?
How do check to see if the problem is the pointer or the block?
Change your scope in the debugger to CdContence's destructor. If you're using Visual Studio, double click on the destructor's line in the call stack. You should now be able to see the members of CdContence and determine if they're valid. It would also help if you posted the declaration for your CdContence class.
Why is it deallocating char?
std::string is a template which inherits std::basic_string. In this case, basic_string is specialized by type char. There is also a class wstring which also inherits basic_string, but specializes it with wchar_t to support wide characters. At the lowest level, basic_string is allocating and deallocating space to hold your string. It does that by using an allocator that is specialized by either char or wchar_t.
I don't have a destructor written for it or any constructors, accessors or mutators. Do I need those?
Thanks again for the explanation of the stack call and what was going on. I definitely am getting a better feel for the details and look forward to understanding exactly why it is having problems deallocating.
I don't have a destructor written for it or any constructors, accessors or mutators. Do I need those?
No. That struct is very straight forward. The strings should clean themselves up.
Since you have no explicit dynamic allocation taking place, I have to assume that one or both of the strings have been overwritten somehow.
If you change the scope of the debugger to CdContence's destructor as I suggested earlier, you should be able to see both song and length variables. Understand that each string is a class instance and each instance will have a struct that is used to manage the string. You haven't said what compiler you're using. In Visual Studio, you should see something like the following for each of your strings.
1 2 3 4 5 6
_alval - Ignore this. It is used by the allocator
_bx - This is a union. Only one of the following two items will be valid.
_buf - Used only if string is <= 15 bytes
_ptr - Points to dynamic memory if string is > 15 bytes
_mysize - How big is the string
_myres - how much space is reserved for the string
If you expand these two structs in your debugger, you should be able to determine if the string structs are valid, or if one or both have been overwritten.
It kind of looks like your example. Looking at it though I can see where it called the allocator for the strings....so...it doesn't look like anything is wrong (of course I've never seen this before so I'm not sure what exactly to look for)
00EF5111 call std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > (0EF146Ah)
00EF5116 pop edi
00EF5117 pop esi
00EF5118 pop ebx
00EF5119 add esp,0CCh
00EF511F cmp ebp,esp
00EF5121 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0EF149Ch)
00EF5126 mov esp,ebp
00EF5128 pop ebp
00EF5129 ret
00EF512A int 3
These are the lines below the call in case you need those. It repeats " int 3 " for many lines below that. Then stops at a file path for the file the program is written in.
Still need help.... so after messing with this for a while and with help from AbstractAnon i have definetly determined that it is in fact a CD or LinkList destructor that is trying to free memory at the same location twice. I however cannot seem to get around it. I'm posting my code and hoping that some one will run it and perhaps show me a way around this problem. I commented the point that I'm having the issure. It has to do with when I pass the temp CD object into insert node. Line 61 in main below.
// FinnalProjectMain.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CD.h"
void addCD(LinkList<CD> *);
int main()
LinkList<CD> CDList;
cout<<"got here"<<endl;
return 0;
void addCD(LinkList<CD> *cdList)
CD temp;
CdContence contTemp;
string title;
string cdLength;
string song;
string songLength;
char another;
char anotherCD;
cout<<"Please enter Title of the CD:"<<endl;
cout<<"Title: ";getline(cin,title);
cout<<"Please enter the Length of the CD: "<<endl;
cout<<"Length: ";getline(cin,cdLength);
cout<<"Please enter Title of a song"<<endl;
cout<<"Song title: ";getline(cin,song);
cout<<"Please enter the Length of that song"<<endl;
cout<<"Song length: ";getline(cin,songLength);
contTemp.song = song;
contTemp.length = songLength;
cout<<"Would you like to enter another song?"<<endl;
cout<<"Another: ";cin>>another;
while(toupper(another)!='Y' && toupper(another)!='N')
cout<<"Please enter Y or N"<<endl;
}while (toupper(another)=='Y');
//This is where I think the problem is and I cant
//figure out how to get past it.
cout<<"Would you like to enter another CD?"<<endl;
cout<<"Another CD: ";cin>>anotherCD;
while(toupper(anotherCD)!='Y' && toupper(anotherCD)!='N')
cout<<"Please enter Y or N"<<endl;
}while (toupper(anotherCD)=='Y');
}//end function
I was told that template copy constructors was a no no(not that I cant use one but its a bad practice to do so). Also I'm not sure where exactly I would use it. Should I copy the CD temp before I pass it to the CDList.insertNode()?