[Linked Error] Unresolved external '_Form2' referenced

Hi, I am a beginner in Borland C++ builder. I want to create a project with numerous forms. However, I must create every form separately. Now I am having a problem of combining all forms into 1 project.

Trying to link Form2 in Unit2.h into Project 1, but instead I got this message.
It seems to be not working? Any guidance on that? I appreciate your help.

[Linked Error]Unresolved external'_Form2' reference from D:\PROJECT\NEW FOLDER\UNIT1.OBJ
Sounds like you included the form2.h file in your project, but did not include the implementation of form2 (form2.cpp?) in your project.
How could I include the implementation of Form2 in the project? For eg, I want to display Form2 on the click of a button in Form1. That's where I got that error message...
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