Hello C++ community,
I'm confused with this piece of code, I am simply trying to input three lines from a text file and save them as strings. The first string "size" will work, but after that it gets weird, I am assuming its a problem with the getline, but every example I look at is using getline in a similar manner. If you guys have any suggestions/comments I sure would appreciate it.
1. You read a word. Whitespace is a delimiter, so not part of word. That leaves the following newline to the stream.
2. You read a line. That line contains only one newline, i.e. practically nothing.
3. You read a word: "something".
classic example of a common mistake when using getline in conjunction with the >> operator.
Remember that the istream operator leaves the newline character in the input buffer. So when you use getline which stops reading once it encounters a new line, you will only get a blank string.
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input >> size;
input.ignore(100, '\n'); // ignore next 100 characters until a newline
getline(input, title);
input >> ratings;