Question about the tutorials

i just had a quick question about these tutorials.

i was just wondering if these are just the beginner tutorials and there's a whole lot more out there or if this gives you information on all of c++. i am very new to this and i am not sure just how big the scale of this language is.
> i was just wondering if these are just the beginner tutorials
> and there's a whole lot more out there or if this gives you information on all of c++

It is woefully inadequate.

It is perhaps the most comprehensive web-based tutorial.
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Tutorials on this forums are very helpful and well-written, they are suitable for both experienced and beginner programmers, go through the chapters step by step and you will master the language eventually, also you can learn C++ from multiple sites (like that one JLBorges provided you with) and this one, learning from multiple sources is completely fine; you could also have a book if you want, but a quick answer to your question, yes, you can learn the C++ programming language from this forums right here even if you are a beginner, they cover the most important topics of C++ along with examples and good explanation.
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