It wasnt a typo - I found that I
can detect when the C++ logger stops, so what I'm doing there is
1 2
while(CPP logger is busy) wait for it to stop;
<when the CPP logger has stopped> stop the Java Thread(AThread) as well;
this code I execute in BThread, so in conclusion:
using BThread, I can stop AThread with keyboard input from outside of the VM
Why I just dont write my complete app in C++?
because I'm a C++ newbie -> In C++ I dont know how to capture screenshots, create frames, trigger mouseclicks, create sub processes, etc, etc.
And you might wanna catch me on Thread.stop(), which is unsave (in some situations it can cause a deadlock):
Yes. It's unsave and deprecated. But its the easiest and shortest way to explain my "solution" here
(if its a sulotion at all that is, because though I bypassed my problem in this particular situation, the root problem of capturing the loggers output so one can read back what keys were pressed, still exists)