What does an asterisk(*) do?

Kind of a noob at programming, but what does it do exactly, same thing with MAX_PATH and &. Also, I have never really found a good use for char, mostly because I don't really know what its for. While I am at it, might as well learn what strn from the <cstring> header file for?
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Asterisk has three roles:
1) Pointer declaration.
2) Dereference.
3) Multiplication.
O yeah, I knew what the multiplication one was. I am not a complete begginer (i didnt start a week ago), I have about half a year's experience, so I know my way around the basics. I just find it SO hard to learn the more intermediate to advanced stuff.
If you want to learn, you must learn by doing.
That is to say, if you don't use the knowledge you gained, your brain will discard it.

And when you get stuck, post here for help.

In fact, if you're a beginner, you should post even if you don't get stuck, asking for tips for improving your code.
I think you want to read this:
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