something about alphabetical order...please help~

(1) Alphabetical order (A to Z): Display the student list in alphabetical order (A to Z) of
student names. If there are multiple students having the same name, the one with smaller
student ID is listed first. The list is displayed with the format below:
Student ID Student Name Engineering Science
12345678A Chan Tai Man, Peter 24 17 (Granted)
12333344A Lee Mei Lai 19 (Rejected) 23
14556678A Ng Fat Tat 19 (Rejected) 17 (Rejected)
13982646A Wong Ling Ling, Mary 22 (Granted) 18 (Rejected)

(2) College of Engineering (Descending Score): Display the student records in
descending order of Admission Score of Engineering. If there are multiple students
having the same Admission Score, then they are further sorted in alphabetical order (A to
Z) of their names.
Student ID Student Name Engineering
12345678A Chan Tai Man, Peter 24
13982646A Wong Ling Ling, Mary 22 (Granted)
12333344A Lee Mei Lai 19 (Rejected)
14556678A Ng Fat Tat 19 (Rejected)

(3) College of Science (Descending Score): Display the student records in descending
order of Admission Score of Science. If there are multiple students having the same
Admission Score, then they are further sorted in alphabetical order (A to Z) of their
CCN2042 13-14 Semester 1 – Group Assignment Page 5
Student ID Student Name Science
12333344A Lee Mei Lai 23
13982646A Wong Ling Ling, Mary 18 (Rejected)
12345678A Chan Tai Man, Peter 17 (Granted)
14556678A Ng Fat Tat 17 (Rejected)

How to write the codes from Q1toQ3...i am doing a project aboutC++ with my gpmates but all of us dont know how to start...PLZ HELP!!!!!
Read data. Think what one entry should contain
Sort data. std::sort with suitable functor
Show data. Trivial.
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