c++ problem.

Hello, I have a really big problem.
here is my text files
2a monday 1 history 2 math 3 biology 4 x
2a tuesday 1 math 2 history 3 art 4 music
2a wednesday 1 biology 2 history
2a thursday 1 math 2 programming 3 art
2a friday 1 math 2 x
2b monday 1 math 2 biology 3 art 4 x
2b tuesday 1 art 2 math 3 biology 4 x
2b wednesday 1 biology 2 geography 3 music
2b thursday 1 histrory 2 math 3 art
2b friday 1 music 2 technology 3 art

pirmadienis 5 1
antadienis 3 1
trečidienis 4 0
ketvirtadienis 4 0
penktadienis 2 0

pirmadienis 1
antradienis 3
treciadienis 4
ketvirtadienis 4
penktadienis 6

and i need to check everybody for example
for(int i=0; i<?????; i++){
if (lesson != "x" && if day==4 && anotherday != 3)
and gow I needt to do it?. Its really hard because on every file number of lines are different. so how I need to do it with for loop?
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Define "everybody".

What is the logical content of the files?

You could read each file, store data in "appropriate" containers, and then do your loop. "Appropriate" is determined by what you have and how you need to use it.
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