What can i do with C++???

My name is fauzan,im 13 years old. i really want to study C++ because i want to make a game with Cryengine 3 development kit. it says that if you want to make a game you have to learn C++ language to make the game.but im really curious why we need to learn this. is it for the Game menu?or Interface?or else? please help me find out
(Sorry for my bad english,Im Indonesian)
It's for the whole entire game. Can you name some part of the game you think doesn't need C++?

Sure, you can make games in other languages too, but see JLBorges' post below.
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> it says that if you want to make a game you have to learn C++ language to make the game.
> but im really curious why we need to learn this.

Presumably because the Cryengine 3 sdk is a set of libraries written using C++, and the only programming interface provided is its native C++ interface.
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Looks like a relevant thread in their forums:

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