I'm getting very strange errors with the code down below, could someone explain why?
ERROR 1: no match for 'operator=' in 'siff[i] = siff_varde[j]' ERROR 2: request for member 'size' in 'siff', which is of non-class type... bla bla bla ERROR 3: no match for 'operator+=' in 'sum+=siff[k]' ERROR 4: no match for 'operator-=' in 'sum-=siff[k]'
No match for operator '='? Are they kidding me? This isn't even my code, it's from a book so it should be working...
Has anyone got any clue on how to do the same program as I did up here, but backwards? Meaning that you enter a number and you get a Roman number back. The only solution I see is a enormous tree of if-statements, however, I'm not very skilled at this.