Hello there, I am doing homework assignmet on STL, and I have a question. One of the function need to take two different arguments and create a data structure, but I'm not sure which container to use. I tried using queue. push but it says that this function can't take two argumenst. Is multiset is better?
Store elements in given order and tightly packed in memory (like arrays do).
Store elements in given order but not tightly packed in memory. Because the elements are linked, insertion and removal of elements is usually (theoretically) faster than for std::vector.
These are like simplified lists. You use them to make it clear to others the fashion in which you add and remove elements. Queues: FIFO (first in first out), stacks: LIFO (last in first out).
Store a single copy of an element, also it sorts its contents!
If you add to an std::set<int> the values
{4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 5}
it will contain
{1, 3, 4, 5}
Similar to a set, but copies of the same value are permitted.
If you add to an std::multiset<int> the values
{4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 5}
it will contain
{1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5}
Stores key and element pairs. You use the key to access an element. For instance, arrays are a type of map. my_array[11] = 3; // 11 is the key, 3 is the element
However "real" maps can use things other than indexes as keys: my_map["eleven"] = 3; // "eleven" is the key, 3 is the element
Similar to map, but you can have more elements mapped to a single key. So you can use a key to get a list of elements instead of a single element.
So to answer the question in the thread's title... well I guess you could use a multiset instead of a queue if you wanted to have your elements automatically sorted...