can you use a different window other than CMD?

Pages: 12
I have been wondering if there was a way to use a different window other than the CMD box, i hate that thing so much. Is there any other possible way to be able to compile the code and see it in a different, more appealing window?
You can build an application that has a text window (see Qt for example). Or you can change the look of the command window
I really dont want to use windows, and i want it to be able to show up on other peoples computers when they use it.
Then use qt as ats15 said. Qt is a multi-platform ide that allows you to create a gui. You can also use other libraries I suppose to create a gui but qt is fairly simple to use.
I dont want to use a different compiler/IDE or whatever QT is, Ive used QT before and thats not what i want, i just want an alternative CMD window or something. Something nicer to look at basically. I cant believe no one made one already, i mean i know its probably not high in demand but still...
> I cant believe no one made one already

Here are two.

There should be more; google: windows+console+alternative
sweet, now when i compile my program and send it to someone will it still show the new console?
closed account (3qX21hU5)
I really don't see why you would need a console that is "better to look at" personally. Why not build a GUI that can show you your output in a nice neat window if you really need a change?

Or even better make your own plugin for a text editor like Sublime text. You can make a plugin (Or just use something like SublimeREPO) that will show the output of the console inside of the text editor.

I cant believe no one made one already

Well as far as programming output goes that console does almost everything it was intended for. You have to realize the CMD console wasn't made to be the main source of IO for a user.

No they will have to download and install the console.
"Why not build a GUI that can show you your output in a nice neat window if you really need a change?"

Because sadly I do not possess the skills to build such a thing, Im not sure how I would build one without it being OS specific anyways.
Like I said earlier...Qt is very simple to use and it is CROSS-PLATFORM.
The site references are very easy to use. Also you can download a thing called qt examples and that will show you have to do things and has the source code. Qt example is in the 5.0 version documentations some of the examples/tutorials that are in the Qt example program

You can also use a library to create a gui such as sfml or sdl

I haven't used sfml but sdl is easy.
Check out
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Well, i remember having trouble with it running on my computer, I cant exactly remember what it was but I can give it a try again i guess.
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Well then I would highly highly recommend using Sublime Text 2 and downloading the plugin SublimeREPO which allows you to have a the CMD output on a nice looking area in the editor and I believe you can edit the highlighting also.

Here is a screenshot I just took of it from some testing I am doing for a competition problem . The Python Script is up town and the output to the console is on the bottom. This works for about 20+ more languages including C++ and C.

Though I warn you it is not a full IDE like you might be used to. It is just a very nice text editor. But it includes much better features and plugins then any IDE I seen.
Because sadly I do not possess the skills to build such a thing, Im not sure how I would build one without it being OS specific anyways.

You could check out wxWidgets...
I was actually learning SDL, made a really simple game, but my C++ skills arent where they should be so I decided to quit learning it and commit all of my extra time to learning the Basics and the Intermediates of C++. Lazyfoo's tutorials are too hard for me to follow anyways :P.
If lazyFoo's tutorials are too hard..Then you may want to invest into a couple of c++ books to learn the basic c++ terms/what they do.
> and commit all of my extra time to learning the Basics and the Intermediates of C++.

Yes. This is my take on it: You don't develop much programming or design skills by learning to use a GUI library. GUI is something that you learn if you have to. Unless high performance graphics is involved, it is almost always better to write the GUI as a front-end, typically using a scripting language. To which you hook up the C++ back end.
closed account (3qX21hU5)
almost always better to write the GUI as a front-end, typically using a scripting language. To which you hook up the C++ back end.

Definitely agree with that statement. So much easier to make it in a scripting language also which will save a bunch of time and code.
what easy scripting languages are there that can make a gui and can hook up with C++?
Pages: 12