C++ Beginner!


I'am a nice guy from sweden and wanna learn c++.

I don't know anything in c++ and i think i need some help, i wan't to serious, don't tell me to start with some other language (C# or vb.net etc) i have already try them, and i want something that is hard, and i think c++ is hard (for me), and i don't know where to start with everything, if someone out here can help me i would be happy!!

Link some good Website's or a GOOD tutorial :)


This website has some good tutorials...
Also it has a great list of references
And it has a great list of articles
Thank you Giblit, i will try, and if you see something i can start with please tell me :)


Get a book. Any book listed under Beginner - Introductory here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list
would be a reasonable choice. ((Bruce Eckel's book is also available as a freely downloadable e-book)

And get a compiler.

And use one or more web-sites for support.
For instance, since you have already tried some other languages, this:
could be useful.
Hei spotfix, hvordan har du det? Like they said this website has some good sources, and then there are some good books. Two books that I have used and enjoyed are "C++ Primer Plus 6th edition" and "Learn C++ By Making Games"
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