cout<<"Gimme a sentence to check for "idiot":";
getline(cin, userinput);
void findidiot(userinput)
int numofletters=5;
for (n=0;userinput[n]!='N';n++)
if (userinput[n]==idiot[n]||userinput[n]==capidiot[n]) numofletters++;
else numofletters=0;
if (numofletters==5) {cout<<"The sentence contains "idiot"; break;}
else cout<<"The sentence does not contain "idiot"; break;
Wrote it in the reply box and didn't try to compile it, but barring a few bugs/typos it should work.
Thank you for that Vlad. However, when I try to compile it in Code::Blocks it says that std::string has no member cbegin and cend.
I think you made a typo. Simply copy and paste the code. You can try it on-line at cbegin and cend are standard member functions of class std::string.
I see what the problem is. The code is (like keskiverto said) in c++. Unfortunately the computers i'm working on use c++ 4.7.2 and my code needs to be compatible with that compiler. However, I thank you all and really appreciate your help!
Thanks but it is impossible for me to add any options to a program in my school's computer. I have to make this program without using c.begin and c.end, because they are member of the c++11 option which I do not have access to.
Is there a way in which I can make the program verify whether the position of the character 'i' is before 'd' which is before 'o' etc in standard gcc (not c++11) in my code?:
std::cout<<"Enter a sentence that you would like to check for 'idiot'" <<endl;
std::string str;
std::string s1("i");
std::string s2("d");
std::string s3("o");
std::string s4("t");
std::size_t found1=str.find(s1);
std::size_t found2=str.find(s2);
std::size_t found3=str.find(s3);
std::size_t found4=str.find(s4);
std::cout<<"There is an 'idiot' present in your sentence." <<endl;
std::cout<<"There is not an 'idiot' present in your sentence."<<endl;
Originally you did have an almost-there approach. At first you find the first "i". You either find one, or fail. Then (if you have not failed yet) you should look for the "d" from the rest of the sentence. Again, you either find it or fail. Repeat until you either have failed or have found all the letters.
Alternatively, replace each C++11 specific bit. Before lambdas, there were function objects. Before auto, one wrote explicit types. Before iterators, there were pointers.
printf("Type in what you want to check for the word 'idiot'.");
fgets(input, 100, stdin);
for (int i = 0; input[i]!=0; i++) {
if (input[i]=='i'||input[i]=='I') {
if (input[i+1]=='d'||input[i+1]=='D') {
if (input[i+2]=='i'||input[i+2]=='I') {
if (input[i+3]=='o'||input[i+3]=='O') {
if (input[i+4]=='t'||input[i+4]=='T') {
if (a==true){} else {
printf("The word idiot is in that sentence.\n");
a = true;
if (a!=true) {
printf("The word idiot is not in that sentence.");
The std::all_of is a loop. Look at its documentation in the reference section.
The lambda expression is a function, and vlad's version keeps state. During one call of that function:
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bool test( char c, std::size_t & pos, const std::string & text ) {
// pos is assumed to point just after previous found character
// pos was 0 before first call, and 0 is the "just after" beginning of text
// if last call did fail, this call should never occur
pos = text.find( c, pos );
if ( std::string::npos == pos ) {
} else {
// now pos is again pointing to just after what we have found so far
You should note that all of the string::find functions take a parameter which indicates where to start the search from. This means, that if you find the first 'i' in your input string, you can start your search for the 'd' from directly after where you found the first 'i', and so on for each consecutive letter you're looking for.
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std::string str;
std::cout<<"Give me a sentence to check for 'idiot'."<<endl;
const std::size_t not_found = std::string::npos ;
bool found = false ;
std::size_t idx ;
if ( (idx = str.find('i')) != not_found )
if ( (idx = str.find('d', idx)) != not_found )
if ( (idx = str.find('i', idx)) != not_found )
if ( (idx = str.find('o', idx)) != not_found )
if ( (idx = str.find('t', idx)) != not_found )
found = true ;
if ( found )
std::cout << "There is..." ;
std::cout << "There is not..." ;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
string in;
cout << "enter a sentence" << endl;
getline(cin, in);
int pos = 1;
for(auto i = in.begin(); i != in.end();++i,++pos){
cout << "Character i was found it position " << pos << endl;
cout << "Character d was found it position " << pos << endl;
cout << "Character o was found it position " << pos << endl;
cout << "Character t was found it position " << pos << endl;