list positive numbers

i stuck on b n c
A list of positive numbers is read into an array from the keyboard. The list finishes when a
number 0 is typed from the keyboard.
a. Find the average of the numbers entered
b. Print out all those below the average
c. Print out all those above the average

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int above=0,below=1,number,sum=0;
int count=0;
float average;

cout<<"Enter 0 if you finished: "; cin>>number;


else if(number<0)
{ cout<<"\7";
cout<<"\nEnter a positive number.\n";continue;}



for(count = 0;count <=average;count++);
cout<<"\nYou entered " << count << " numbers."<<endl;
cout<<"Their average is : "<<average<<endl;
cout<<"Numbers above average : "<<above<<endl;
cout<<"Numbers below average : "<<below<<endl;
return 0;
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If you are going to deal with positive numbers then why did you define number and sum as int instead of unsigned int?
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You obviously can spot the above and below values and you do know each value at that moment. You could print the values with similar loops.

Correction: you don't loop correctly and your test is formally wrong too. Btw, you should use the code tags.
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