Beginners - January 2021 (Page 10)

by kmce
reference or address of?
Hello, I had found a post on here a while back explaining how to know the difference between these two, but i can not seem to find it now. I think i remember wh...
[3 replies] Last: The rule is this: - if it's used as part of the type when declaring/d... (by MikeyBoy)
Unpack a pair
Hi. thats pretty much it. I have a string with 2 numbers. I want to asign them to different variables
[4 replies] Last: That worked. Thank you for all the answers (by Moris526)
by siid14
Binary Search (Int)
I'm writing a code about getting to know if the customer cards are inside the sorted list of cards of my cards.txt. The issue is that I do not find an error on ...
[4 replies] Last: Understood, thanks (by siid14)
Faulty anagram function
Hey everyone! Happy new year! I've been trying to complete an exercise where the program must take two words and answer whether or not the words are anagrams...
[9 replies] Last: Use std::string rather than a c-style array of char. For a char array,... (by seeplus)
I'm currently doing a course on edx Intro to C++ and need to take 4 integers from a user and then depending on the amount of odds or even numbers say "more odds...
[10 replies] Last: This is what I had in mind, shamelessly stealing from seeplus a bit (h... (by jonnin)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'double' (help)
Hello, I am just a beginner at C++ and I have a question... How can I resolve this problem? When I compile my code it seems fine but when I always input a nu...
[5 replies] Last: This is just a part of the file but I did delete it in the main functi... (by WeebTriestoCode)
Pre-processor directive in class - undeclared error
I'm sure there's probably answers on Google to this question but I think I might be using the wrong term so I'm not finding anything relevant I need to chang...
[4 replies] Last: Ah I feel silly now. It was just staring me in the face! Thanks for t... (by DreamingInsanity)
How to make your game character to jump
I made a game engine 6 months ago. Now i want to upgrade it and make it to a full game, but i dont know how to make my character jump. Here is the code: Main....
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, but when i put it it doesn't work. Can you please help me and ... (by Martythegamedeveloper)
by z3498y
midi controller code for Teensy 4
have a look at this simple midi code for Teensy.It compiles for Teensy 4.0 as is.I haven't tried using it yet.I want to use only 5 buttons and 1-2 rotary enco...
[2 replies] Last: Your posts are unreadable. Make them easier on the eye with https://w... (by salem c)
Renaming temp.txt with Movies.txt
I am a beginner in C++ programming. I am trying to build a coding for moving reservation system. So, in that program I have the option to delete a movie in the ...
[3 replies] Last: Hello Mathavan, I did work up something to test the function and find... (by Handy Andy)
Removing Global Variables
Hello, I am fairly new to coding and I've been trying to find ways on how to get rid of a global variable in this code since I've learned it is not a good pract...
[11 replies] Last: For one way to remove the global variables (which aren't const), consi... (by seeplus)
by rimuru
Create a program that will choose the user between 1 and 2. If the user request for 1 then it will convert Inches to Feet, for 2 Inches to Meter and other char...
[1 reply] : Make an eff... (by salem c)
parking fee programming code
Hi there. I have an upcoming test about parking ticket fee and i think i have succesfully created a full coding. But then it does not calculate the total fee of...
[6 replies] Last: thank you very much good sir. may everything will be eased for you and... (by Aeri0909)
by Hessam
(x/1!) + (x^2/2!) + (x^3/3!) + (x^4/4!) + (x^5/5!) +...+ (x^n/n!) Algorithm?
Write your question here. can anyone please help me to solve my homework? a code that asks for ā€œxā€ and ā€œnā€ then calculate the problem.
[2 replies] Last: Have you written any code? Or do you expect us to do all your homewor... (by George P)
Modify a class method so as to accept and return only accepted date values
Hello there and Happy New year. I am trying to modify a class method so as to accept and return only accepted date range of values. I tried and wrote a code (//...
[4 replies] Last: 64 bit integers make awesome timestamps for most practical purposes. ... (by jonnin)
How to delete and edit record to the data
Hello I am beginner in C++. I programmed a code for deleting and editing time of movies in text file. But I have stuck there. The program is deleting all the da...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry @seeplus, I have overlooked that you've posted in the meantime a... (by nuderobmonkey)
by hbyte
A basic Tracing Function for OpenGL
With the task of creating a , Harry Plotter - download source at for Windows instead...
[no replies]
by EJason
Singly linked list --> Doubly linked list
Hello. First of all, I would like to apologize for my poor English. I am a beginner at C++ and programming in general and I have some problems with "translating...
[1 reply] : all you have to do is, every time you move, insert, delete, etc a node... (by jonnin)
circular dependency with class templates
I am trying to create a bidirectional association between class templates, like this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typenam...
[3 replies] Last: I see your point. What I am trying to do doesn't make much sense. I ... (by stefano913)
How to add data to the end of a line in text file in C++?
I am a beginner in C++ programming. I need to create a program for a movie reservation system. I have done it until halfway through, but I am stuck at selecting...
[4 replies] Last: A further re-factoring of the code to give a proper menu, available se... (by seeplus)
January 2021 Pages: 1... 891011
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