The norm value of a complex number is its squared magnitude, defined as the addition of the square of both its real and its imaginary part (without the imaginary unit). This is the square of abs(x).
Additional overloads are provided for arguments of any fundamental arithmetic type: In this case, the function assumes the value has a zero imaginary component.
The return type is double, except if the argument is float or long double (in which case, the return type is of the same type as the argument).
Complex value.
Return value
Norm value of x. T is the type of the components of the complex type (i.e., its value type).
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// norm example
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <complex> // std::complex, std::norm
int main ()
std::complex<double> mycomplex (3.0,4.0);
std::cout << "The norm of " << mycomplex << " is " << std::norm(mycomplex) << '\n';
return 0;