Windows Programming - September 2010 (Page 4)

LNK2019 error
hi evry one, look at this code class B1:public CBaseVideoRenderer { B1(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr):CBaseVideoRenderer(__uuidof(CLSID_TextureRenderer),...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks alot guestgulkan, this link was very usfull, and i solved prob... (by hossainiir)
Know a Decent IDE for GUI's?
Basically, I'm used to having all my C++ programs not need GUI's and a console is the most I've normally needed. But now I want to make a GUI for a program I...
[7 replies] Last: Qt also has QtCreator which I've heard is excellent. (by chrisname)
by Fatman
Should I release all my IDispatch pointers?
Hi all, I have an OLE question I don't see answered on MSDN: when is it correct to Release() an IDispatch pointer? In one of my destructors I have: ...
[no replies]
How to install MinGW compiler ?
Hi there, I have a question regarding installation MinGW compiler. I've downloaded all compiler's files according to this page: ---
[13 replies] Last: No, you can just install the new MinGW version and instruct Code::Bloc... (by Athar)
Application crashes then starts?
I have a strange behaviour of my application. Usually, when you do an access violation or something else bad, you have the crash window from windows, proposing ...
[1 reply] : Ah, i found out. For the curious ones, i was trying to use http://msdn... (by bartoli)
by sabi
error while compiling
I get an error when i try to compile this code. It says it has undeclared identifier. "Main.cpp(13): error C2065: 'sum' : undeclared identifier" I'm new to ...
[2 replies] Last: Alright it works! Thanks (by sabi)
by vivmen
Program Without main
Hi All is it possible to print message on console without having main() fnction in program ?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Null. (by vivmen)
[3 replies] Last: oh come on. Show us the mainwindow.h file. (by guestgulkan)
Client/Server message exchange...
I am currently doing the client-server (socket) connection in MFC and faced the problem in data exchanging. When client sends a message, a server receives only ...
[1 reply] : After the server listens, it needs to call accept. This returns a dif... (by kbw)
I dont know the declarations a protocols in this.
Ok i dont know where the erroro is and i feel reaallly stupid for not knowing. #include <stdio.h> int pntr_mix(int*,int*,int*,int*,int*,int*) ; int...
[1 reply] : This function definition int pntr_mix(int sum_ab, int sum_bc, int su... (by guestgulkan)
Here's the code I have: WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData) != 0) { cout << "WSAStartup failed.\n"; system("pause"); ...
[3 replies] Last: 1. SockAddr struct might different. 2. If you pay attention, DNS name... (by mashhur)
Class Size Being Weird
So I have a class, these are all the variables: ushort iCnt; ui24 iBlk; ui24 tSize ; ui24 bCnt; ui24 oCnt; bool val : 1; byte type : 1; byte table :...
[3 replies] Last: I would've guessed this would be 0x20 bytes (32) after padding. But... (by Disch)
How to speed up BitBlt screen copy?
Here's my problem. I need to copy the screen, 30 times a second, such that I can read the data of the individual pixels, in order to scale the image. I do this ...
[3 replies] Last: Ah okay. So this is like for a video capture thing. There's probab... (by Disch)
September 2010 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [aug2010] [oct2010]

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