by iplus91
alphabetical order-phillies
[1 reply] : Does the code compile? I can't see where hlist or n are declared. (by kbw)
by upad
code using structs and external files
[3 replies] Last: You need to start by reading in your library from file into your array... (by kbw)
by upad
solving error in code
[3 replies] Last: You put an & symbol in the prototype and left it out in the definition... (by LB)
by MiguelP
wxDev-C++ error
[3 replies] Last: Yeah I already reported the bug. So there's no way around this? I g... (by MiguelP)
by haggard433
Can't find the "error"
[1 reply] : Used a 3rd party Audio library now... (by haggard433)
by merrt
c++ cant fix the error
[3 replies] Last: well i tried removing the lines where the error was and the program ra... (by merrt)
by incutonez
Hash maps.
[6 replies] Last: Alright cool, so I've made some advancement on this little project. T... (by incutonez)
by tukki
[TurboC XP-SP2] Terminate but stay Resident(TSR)
[8 replies] Last: Did you visit the link I've posted? (by Null)
by unregistered
Why do some api calls use unconventional syntax?
[4 replies] Last: This is what they are using is not syntax at all. So called convention... (by EverBeginner)
by daveD
Can't find vector
[5 replies] Last: My may find that STLport or Rogue Wave's STL might work on your platf... (by kbw)
by SkunkieButt
Macro Miscalculation
[11 replies] Last: Nothing wrong. (by warrant)
by marembo
[1 reply] : These errors look like the sdk files you are trying to include in your... (by kooth)
MJPEG Streaming |
[4 replies] Last: WireShark sure I'll give it a try. Anyhow tried just sending header... (by ziggyspaceman)
by Dark Byte
Is it possible to write dialog boxes 'on the fly'
[7 replies] Last: filipe is pretty much right about Dev-C++. It worked OK if you manage... (by freddie1)
by tecprince
how to start GUI?plz?
[2 replies] Last: thank you man iam downloading (by tecprince)
by RobBinS
write binary file
[3 replies] Last: http://www.cplus... (by Null)
Charaters and MSComm output |
[no replies]
by fabio
Shell question - writing PIDL's to file?
[1 reply] : Is it a file that complies with some predefeined format or just one yo... (by kbw)
by sara k
sos/ visual C++
[2 replies] Last: this is the class that i wanna use the variable in it : #pragma o... (by sara k)
by Smajda
Debugging in Dev-C++
[1 reply] : Undefined behavior can do a lot of things. Especially invalid memory w... (by Athar)