Windows Programming - September 2010

by Takiro
How to find out what files a process is using
Hello Forum, I'm currently writing a program that records the runtime of a process but only if a specific file (the user choses) is used by the selected proc...
[no replies]
Set url for webservice VS 2005
Hi, I have written a webservice client in Visual Studio 2005 using a web reference feature. How can I change now dynamically the url for the webservice? I...
[no replies]
Header Issues
Hello, I'm trying to create a simple game using MFC and I decided to better organize the parts of my game using seperate class objects, however, they are causin...
[1 reply] : Never mind, I added some macros to define when the headers could be lo... (by Phantom139)
WTF is wrong with my Visual Studio
Hi Guys I know this is a bit off topic but ive searched everywhere and there isnt much info. I have a windows form project. When i try remove these blank spa...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply Incubbus. I found another solution after a few da... (by closed account Gy7oizwU)
Display result of function in label
Hi I need to display a result of a function in my form. The function reads through a text file and gets a line. I want a label to display the result of the f...
[2 replies] Last: What function are you using to read the text file? I think he's usi... (by Kiana)
Remembering form used
Hi All I have a small app that i created with windows forms. When i run the exe, a form opens. From there, i have the option to open one of two more forms. N...
[5 replies] Last: A string with the form name would be the most obvious choice. Registry... (by Pax)
insert image into list control
Hi, I am having a few problems with inserting images into my list control. They dont seem to show up. This is my code below and lParticipant is my list contro...
[3 replies] Last: i am using visual studio 2008 (by carlsum1986)
Data Extraction jpeg/mjpeg
Hello I'm looking to extract jpeg image data from a mjpeg stream, but I'm not sure how to do this in c++ . The code snippet below does the job of connecting...
[2 replies] Last: Thankyou for they reply. three interesting points I,ll look into. ... (by ziggyspaceman)
by hannes
question about qt
Hi, I'm using mingw version 5.1.6 located at C:\MinGW. I downloaded qt version 4.6.3 and located it at C:\Qt. When i wanted to install qt, it gave a warning...
[6 replies] Last: I have mingw located at C:\MinGW version 5.1.6 (by hannes)
find a programmer to make a flash game
I am not a programmer (hints he problem) but i do however Have a lot of experience in artistry and music. If you would like to help me create flash games please...
[1 reply] : This should go an the Jobs section and it's not C++ related so you s... (by Bazzy)
DirectX Camera
Does anyone have any experience in DirectX? I am currently using DirectX9 and trying to place the camera such that location 0,0 is in the bottom left of the scr...
[3 replies] Last: >>the whole program, is it? No that is a snippet. It is just the func... (by Cazicss)
by jittar
unable to start program error in VS 2008
hi! i am new in using visual studio c++ 2008 express. i have made project. but during compiling it give the following error: unable to start program c:\D...
[3 replies] Last: @jumper: Dude, you need to calm down a bit. We all have emotions and t... (by Albatross)
VC++ 2010 Express Edition problem
Hi, Got a new laptop and got VC++ Express Edition 2010. Im just doing a simple hello world to see if things compile and run. I made a console application cal...
[8 replies] Last: Have you tried CodeBlocks or VC++? (by Null)
by Hashtg
Resource compiling error
I have just finished my first simple windows program, which should theoretically work. However, I get "fatal error RC1004: unexpected end of file found" on my r...
[9 replies] Last: That did it. Thak you very much. :) I completely missed that, even af... (by Hashtg)
list control report view problem
I dont know if anyone wants to help me out but I will give it a try. My code is like void CTabDlg::addParticipant(CString strAdd) { size_t matchO,matchM;...
[no replies]
Quicker way to get screenshot to color array?
At the moment, this program has the function 'rgb_extended l1see()' which returns a struct containing the height and width of the screen, along with an array of...
[1 reply] : dots tmp; tmp.hp = (char*)hp; tmp.width = bmp.bmWidth... (by Syerjchep)
by Deluge
Shortcut Saved to □□□□
I have a code here that will take a file and create a shortcut for it. The problem is that instead of the shortcut taking the name of the second command line p...
[2 replies] Last: Edit: I had changed my code around, but now the lines below match th... (by Deluge)
the application was unable to start correctly(0xc000007b)
hi, i wrote a VC++ program in VS2008 ,when i create a release from my project it work well on my PC, but on other PCs this error occurred: the application wa...
[5 replies] Last: It's probably a Manifest/Side by Side issue. (by kbw)
This is my first C++ adventure. It is a .NET DLL that I want to call functions from within VBA (MS Access 2007). So after a couple of days of banging my head, I...
[1 reply] : You may need to use plain C strings (LPCTSTR) as the input parameters,... (by kbw)
by Deluge
Creating Shortcuts with C++
I've been trying to learn how to create a windows shortcut. I think I can do it using a Windows Script File, but I want to see if I can do it in C++. Here is ...
[3 replies] Last: kbw: If you haven't called CoInitialize (as is the case), the CoCreate... (by Deluge)
September 2010 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [aug2010] [oct2010]

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