Windows Programming - September 2009 (Page 5)

minGW vonvert from lib to a files
Hey, I downloaded minGW in order to get "reimp.exe" which was infortunately not shipped along with devc++ (although the rest of minGW was). So I converted th...
[2 replies] Last: Ok I finally succeeded in getting this to work: - for Helios' solut... (by nicolasfranck)
can i advance to socket programming
hey, I've read c++ without fear; will reading this enable me with the knowledge I need to advance to socket programming? If not what books do you recommend? ...
[4 replies] Last: First read Berkley socket programing and then go ahead on Windows sock... (by hidipak)
c++ looping
i have two questions on this topic. i have tried to do it but the program will not run as i expected it to be. can anyone help out please. thank you. the que...
[1 reply] : 1.) - You are calculating the remainder before you are actually intia... (by firedraco)
by Null
Detect EOF using winapi
Hello, hi can i detect end of file using winapi? My program uses CreateFile() function to open files and disks. Thanks!
[1 reply] : I suppose that you use ReadFile() to read the file. If so, ReadFile()... (by webJose)
How to open IE explorer?
If there have been set a homepage, it could open with the homepage. If there haven't been set a homepage, it could open with a blank page. Would you plea...
[12 replies] Last: gedit came pre-installed with ubuntu though, so i just started using i... (by elvenspike)
by Gregor
windows xp dialogs
I'm having problems creating dialogs from resource files.They dont behave correctly on XP systems. Vista and w7 works fine. nothing I try seems to work I'm h...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply, however it shouldnt be a problem for combination... (by Gregor)
Direct3D device lost
Hey there, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to post this topic here, but this was the only place available on the site. It's about direct3d: how do you resto...
[6 replies] Last: Other things that might need reloading are textures and meshes. I can'... (by Cojones)
InvalidateRect, Drawn Objects and 'Bleeding'
Hey all, Currently working on a program that draws a number of shapes. however, when you draw a rectangle, and move the mouse inside it's borders while still d...
[11 replies] Last: I remembered some function names, I think: CreateCompatibleDC(), Crea... (by webJose)
what’s wrong in the code
Hello Friend what’s wrong in the code I need Showing draw Elements in few Items which is in List of tree control but its show in all List Item so please let...
[no replies]
C++ & NET
I have VS 2008 and I am a C/C++ programmer. I do not know C#, and I don't care to learn it at this time, maybe later. So then, if I want to create a .NET app...
[5 replies] Last: You've sold me. If I REALLY want to produce a .NET app, I'll go out an... (by Lamblion)
How to link One Project file to other in MFC
Hello I am new To MFC and is using visual 6.0 I am making an application where i want to use some files of the other project in my C drive, to my own applicat...
[2 replies] Last: Create another application (DLL)using this file and add Satatic link o... (by brainwork)
Customedraw problem with loop,
Hello Friends , I want use Customedraw function which provide by MFC for tree control But I have few bit problems on when I have tried with List Item data...
[no replies]
Failure to display movement of a rectangle
I'm trying to move a rectangle in response to the pressing of the arrow keys, but nothing appears to be happening. I'm not getting any flickers for constant red...
[2 replies] Last: That worked. Thankyou very much. (by NerdyOgre254)
September 2009 Pages: 1... 345
  Archived months: [aug2009] [oct2009]

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