Windows Programming - September 2009 (Page 4)

COM Connection Points: Problem to call an function out of an sink class
Hi All, I’m an absolutely newbie in the COM technology and I have a little tricky question. I hope there’s someone out there who can help me with my prob...
[no replies]
COM Connection Points: Problem to create an instance of an sink object.
Hi All, I’m an absolutely newbie in the COM technology and I have a little tricky question. I hope there’s someone out there who can help me with my prob...
[8 replies] Last: kbw, is that directed to me? Sorry, it is unclear to me. (by webJose)
Unresolved external symbol
Dear all... I receive this error from the compiler: sem.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall MissionDefinition::MissionDefin...
[3 replies] Last: When you have multiple source file you should link them so that they g... (by Bazzy)
Multicolumn Listboxes
Anyone have any idea how to use them? I looked on MSDN and Google but only found code for other languages. No tutorials or at least a reference. Please help.
[4 replies] Last: (old) samples in MSDN are in plain C for multicolumn Listboxes... But... (by george135)
What's the difference between the 'Use of MFC'?
When I deal with Win32 project on VC2008, there are three options for "Use of MFC": 1st, Use Standard Windows Libraries 2nd, Use MFC in a Static Library 3rd,...
[1 reply] : Some time ago I read somewhere that MFC was only shared DLL. I guess ... (by webJose)
How to add a linking DLL for a project?
In VC6.0, It is clear that was on 'Project->setting...->Link->Object/library modules'. But in VC2003, I was wondering about where it is?
[no replies]
by macla
How to terminate script execution
Hi, How to terminate running script (programmatically) in windows. For example i am running sleep(50000). I want terminate this command execution. Any WinAP...
[4 replies] Last: Do you want to kill the thread with a 'sleep(50000)' running? (by HawkOfWinter)
MFC program error in VC++
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\CMC Production\ReadOM\ReadOMDlg.cpp(188) : error C2664: 'bool __thiscall OrderManager::GetMsg(const class std::basic_stri...
[2 replies] Last: You should use: CString strValue; strValue.GetBuffer(); (by icerlion)
strstr and arrays
I have to create a character array literal with a poiner that points to the beginning of the array, and use the pointer to modify the elements of the array. T...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you to kbw for the contribution. With the correction included be... (by Peter1234)
Pixel in a Windows Console?
Hi! I want to know how can I display pixels in screen with MS-DOS , so I can draw any figure without using the Win32 API. Can you help me with this? Thank ...
[6 replies] Last: I was talking about MS-DOS. If you mean a console window, then george... (by kbw)
need a Ebook
Please guide I am already member of IEEE as a student I am need of an ebook name "Special Edition Visual C++ .NET" by Kate Gregory. Please help if some body kno...
[1 reply] : Learn to use Google or P2P... (by george135)
runntime error
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way... Thats the message I get when running my program, maybe someone can say what m...
[3 replies] Last: Every exception which were thrown by the STL are derived from std::exc... (by R0mai)
Error messsage in Visual C++
C:\Documents and Settings\BOSS\Desktop>cl loadbmp.cpp Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft...
[1 reply] : First of all, fstream shouldn't need a ".h" extension. Secondly, s... (by chrisname)
Get File Size
Hello. I'm writing a program using M$ Visual C++. Is there a simple API for getting the file size? Something like GetFileSize? :) I'm trying to read out byt...
[11 replies] Last: Further to Duoas' recommendation, to use "seek" and "tell", the refere... (by chrisname)
starting windows programming
i need help starting windows programming. i've purchased "windows programming for dummies", done everything it said, and get an error. i've been using c++ for a...
[2 replies] Last: If want to program Windows, you need to buy Charles Petzold's book, "P... (by Lamblion)
by screw
Creating event handler dinamically in MFC
Hi! I would like to ask for some help about MFC programming. I should create numerous EditBoxes at runtime (not design time) which are CEdit type. My user...
[1 reply] : I've found the solution. I have to put a new line "ON_CONTROL_RANGE... (by screw)
Open another program, some wrong happned?
ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"FullPath\\name.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); The upper run normally in XP. But in some Vista system, the exe couldn't be...
[1 reply] : It is supported in Vista. (by webJose)
by screw
CEdit SetTextWindow and unhandled Exception
Hi! I would like to change a text of CEdit programmatically. So my code: void Cfirst_mfcDlg::OnEnChangeEdit1() { // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control...
[no replies]
MFC text box
hello I am a beginner to MFC and I am building an application on MFC dialog i want two text box on the dialog The first text box can be edited and the se...
[3 replies] Last: You can use the CreateWindowEx() function provided with the Win32 API.... (by iostream)
How could DLLs be changeless?
When rebuild a project with many DLLs, I found the DLLs will be changed even though the source code doesn't be modified. I hope, if the source code doesn't b...
[1 reply] : If there could be dependencies thru header files or libraries that can... (by kbw)
September 2009 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [aug2009] [oct2009]

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