Windows Programming - September 2009 (Page 3)

Arrow keys?
I want to make a game where you move around (still within the command line) how do I take the immediate key press (I do know the ascii value of the keys) I don'...
[17 replies] Last: Oh, OK, I thought you were passing it off to system ()... Sorry abou... (by Duthomhas)
"illegal else without matching if" (1,2)
I got this error multiple times in a program I wrote and I don't know why...It is only my second program any help would be appreaciated. It's kind of a weird p...
[25 replies] Last: If you still get errors, post the section of the code and the error me... (by Lamblion)
Which SQL should I use
I finally decided to start Database programming but I don't know which would be the best for me .... I want to be able to save text to a database on the compute...
[3 replies] Last: wow Normally I use yahoo search engine and it pulled up junk, then I g... (by DrChill)
Every single experienced WinAPI user is always snobby. I can't stand it. If I ask a question they act like I'm retarded. For instance, earlier I asked if I my a...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for helping clear the subject up. (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Problems with service
Hello. I'm writing a little service. Some information i've got from the service has been installed wel...
[3 replies] Last: wow, thanks! i can read msdn by myself) i don't get how to avoid it? ... (by alexprg1920)
Setting Text Color of Date Time Picker
Has anyone tried setting the text color of a date-time picker? For edit controls, a WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message is sent from the edit control in order to determine ...
[1 reply] : This is the full list of messages of the date time picker according to... (by webJose)
EXE Icon
When an EXE file is created by a compiler, it has the standard rectangle icon. How do I change it to my own icon? Do I have to do this through code or I can rig...
[5 replies] Last: I remember it being the first icon in the program (in the resource fil... (by Aakanaar)
Dynamic memory leak?
Hello all, this is more of a conceptual question as I have not yet encountered any errors due to the shortness of my runtime right now. I have an array of poin...
[10 replies] Last: Hello George, Basic ans is, -for every pointer like you have **poin... (by hidipak)
How does the system call a window procedure directly?
I participated in this thread ( and I read something that I just can't conceive: Most window messages are sent di...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks. I think it is now safe to say the topic is solved. :-) (by webJose)
Question On Need For Critical Sections
Recently I developed an ODBC Tutorial which I havn't published/uploaded to anywhere yet, as I need to work out a few kinks. The major problem I'm having is rel...
[14 replies] Last: Your point is well taken webJose, and thanks again for the additional ... (by freddie1)
Best answer
if (x > 7) cout << x + 3; else if (x > 4) cout << x - 4; else cout << x + 1; a. 3, 4, 7 b. 4, 10, 15 c. 3, 5, 11 Why ans c is will be ...
[2 replies] Last: It is the only one that will test all paths. (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Listview, Treeview, or Owner Draw
I want to display a listbox with the first part of the entry in one font, the second in another font. I had thought that owner draw was the best way to go for t...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, that confirms it. (by Lamblion)
cin.ignore getline and other things
Me and a classmate are working on a project currently and are having problems. He uses a single cin designation to write two inputs, separated by a space, to w...
[1 reply] : std::cin >> by default will only get the first "word" out of the text.... (by firedraco)
by Dval
The reason for TranslateMessage()?
Hi guys, I'm studying windows programing. I'm currently trying to figure out windows messages. I've run into the TranslateMessage function. I've done some ...
[7 replies] Last: There are NOT 2 queues. It is just one message queue that gets dequeu... (by webJose)
Display Text Owner Draw Listbox
I can't figure out how to display the text in an owner draw listbox. I've Googled and looked at the examples in MSDN, but I'm still stuck. If someone could prov...
[14 replies] Last: I love the groupt, but I don't have Vista, and I can't to this day fig... (by Lamblion)
Some problems creating a GUI with the WinAPI in C++, as well as some questions.
Hello, I have been working with dos based programs for awhile now, and I wanted to try and move on to creating actual GUI based applications. Problem is that I ...
[3 replies] Last: Glad you are making progress HarbingTarbl. You are going to have ... (by freddie1)
Using a COM Server in an Visual Studio .vcproj
Hi All, I have (I think for some of you) a simple question. I have an .vcproj project (no ATL support and no MFC support) and a I have an .exe file. Within t...
[no replies]
Array trouble?
I can't get my matrix working :( yes I read the documentation but ... I ... don't get it T_T #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include "chill.h" ...
[1 reply] : Yes I just now figured it out .... no thanks to you :P meanies (by DrChill)
C++ IDE needed
I need a C++ IDE that capable of programing Win32 programs and good debugging help me please manu
[6 replies] Last: Wow he removed part of his question (by DrChill)
How to retrieve installed anti-virus information?
It is possible to get installed anti-virus information from WMI, but it will not work if WMI is disabled. How could I get anti-virus name, version and other a...
[2 replies] Last: By quickly googling I found this: (by webJose)
September 2009 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [aug2009] [oct2009]

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