Windows Programming - September 2009 (Page 2)

Chat Program Problem with DLL
Hi I was Creating a Console Application that uses Sockets,I wanted to Create two Threads that each will Load a Function in the DLL ,using Load-time Linking the ...
[no replies]
by Nancy
a program for Monitoring CPU Usage
This is a class for Moniroring CPU Usage, there may be some problems, anyone who please give me some recommendations, I would be very grateful! #if...
[3 replies] Last: Chinese comments (by Nancy)
by alias
Data read in from input file using while loop
I need to use a while loop to read in 17 floating point numbers from a data input file. The last number that would be read in would be -999. Help would be g...
[1 reply] : while(num == -999) will execute the following block while num is equ... (by Bazzy)
MFC GUI Programming
I am working on a project right now that requires me to create a MFC Windows GUI. Basically it needs to be able to pop up after hitting a button from another ma...
[no replies]
What is this guy?__super::
void CListControlDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam) { if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX) { CAboutDlg dlgAbout; dlgAbout.DoModal(); } el...
[1 reply] : Something you shouldn't use: (by Bazzy)
Somethg about CListCtrl?
CListCtrl m_lcDetails; // declared here // Add three columns here m_lcDetails.InsertColumn(0, L"Column0", LVCFMT_CENTER, 70); m_lcDetails.InsertColumn(1, ...
[no replies]
by newbee
wxDev-C++ debugging does not work
please pardon my poor English. hello, i'm a newcomer to forum. i'm using wxDev-C++ IDE but IDE debugging support doesn't work when I cl...
[no replies]
How to use the CMFCShellListCtrl Class ?
Hi,I created a complete Explorer window, used a CMFCShellTreeCtrl object associated with a CMFCShellListCtrl object. And now,i want to make the CMFCShellTreeCt...
[no replies]
Where to find the WinSock libraries?
Now that I have a bit more knowledge about the WINPI I thought it might be a good time to try creating programs that can access the internet and all that fun st...
[5 replies] Last: I actually could use some help with things, I had stopped messing arou... (by HarbingTarbl)
SDL + MinGW Linker errors
OK, so I normally write and compile my programs on Linux, but I wanted to make sure that my program worked on Windows, so I installed Windows XP in a VM (Virtua...
[no replies]
heres my stdafx.h code #ifdef WINDOWS #define WINVER 0x0600 #include <Afxwin.h> #include <winsock2.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <windows.h> #e...
[8 replies] Last: thanks but none of the solutions work (by xeonkid)
Creating a simple installer
I'm trying to write an installer for starcraft (a very old game). I have the original cd but and have copy on my harddrive as well, my problem is; everytime I i...
[3 replies] Last: Use Inno Setup :-) (by Duthomhas)
I know the simple way to calculate the average but I created a table there are 2 columns one is x and the other one is x^2 and the more numbers I type in x it...
[14 replies] Last: I don't know what you are trying to achieve. Just run it yourself and ... (by Lamblion)
How to give a user the choice between command prompt and a GUI application?
Alright, I have a assignment that requires that the user be asked if they would like the program to use the command prompt, or a GUI. I need some help getting t...
[8 replies] Last: The only difference between a Win32 GUI application and a Win32 Consol... (by Duthomhas)
loops and sums (1,2)
[37 replies] Last: :D come back with questions (by DrChill)
by MaxT
Winsock 2: Sends and Recv's
So at the moment I have coded a sever which uses select() to find active sockets, reads from them and then takes the data recv'd and sends it back out to all co...
[5 replies] Last: Problem solved, I think i didnt initialise the buffer properly on all ... (by MaxT)
C++ How to detect audio signal from mic
I am working on a C++ program which will do the following: 1. Waits for any audio signal from an integrated laptop microphone 2. Logs that an event occurred...
[no replies]
by cdh473
I was wondering, is there ANY safe place to use system("")? I am wanting to detect the OS version in a Windows system, and here's the code I'm using: #includ...
[2 replies] Last: Functions like above are usable all over to replace the original comma... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Sockets: Client Sending Faster Than Host Can Receive
Aloha... On One side of the connection i am trying to receive a buffer of size 200 three times, and on the other side i am sending 3 times (a string between ...
[13 replies] Last: looks like i solve this by filling the rest of the buffer with some sp... (by Incubbus)
by joshky
I'm just learning Win32. Went through a couple tutorials and trying my first original program. All I want to do is draw random shapes on the screen. I have a ...
[3 replies] Last: ok, thanks a lot, the IvalidateRect() function was exactly what I need... (by joshky)
September 2009 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [aug2009] [oct2009]

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