Windows Programming - September 2008 (Page 2)

by ziadn
MFC + C# .NET Compilation
I am working on Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 C++ using MFC and I need to join to my solution the C# project that uses a DLL file which is compiled using .NET fr...
[no replies]
Win API/How to use button
Hi guys. This is my first attempt at Win API. I am trying to mess with some of the sourcecode provided here at this site. And I am desperately in need of assist...
[6 replies] Last: Thx A lot Guys. Now what if I wanted to do something else with the tex... (by LacViet)
video player and video filters
Hi there, i want to built a video player but with some filters available. i know some thinks about video splitting and other but nothing about video filters. W...
[1 reply] : I'd have a look at the source code to the open source projects VLC and... (by Zaita)
Is there a way to create overlay images in the Windows environment? I'm running Windows XP, and I have NO clue where to start looking for this, but basically, I...
[1 reply] : In Win32,You can specify in the class to include a cursor resource as ... (by Nandor)
by Nandor
file output\variables
I have two questions on file output and variables in a windows forms application: 1)How can I write a System::String ^ variable in a file. 2)I have 4 diferent...
[no replies]
windows.h and winsock.h in visual c++ 2005
Hi I was writing an Network Application in visual C++ 6.0 any time I wrote #include<windows.h>nothing was wrong as well a winsock.h but when it comes to visual...
[11 replies] Last: Try writing it without the .h extension (by yonifra)
Checking RAID status
Hi! I want the application I'm currently working on to be able to detect when my RAID 5 status changes to "rebuilding". I've been looking around forever (...
[1 reply] : Chances are you will need an Intel SDK to do this, or debug their soft... (by Zaita)
by jrohde
OpenPrinter() Problem
Hello all, I thought this would be pretty simple, but apparently I've managed to do something wrong. I'm trying to retrieve the handle to a certain printer ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! That worked... So, I'm assuming that since I created on... (by jrohde)
Redrawing Contents of Window
I am still learning to program Native Windows and the GDI. I am wanting to make a simple picture viewer. Here is what I have. These two cases are in seperate sw...
[11 replies] Last: MSDN is the only available doc That's funny because I have a fairly e... (by Duthomhas)
Building a self-dependant library file
I've written a sub-component using glib libraries which will eventually be used in a larger program in windows. Glib is rather troublesome to install in wind...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very very much. This helps a lot. I've been trying to pac... (by cu2nite)
Resource Files
Hey, I'm building a browser in C++, it's my first windows program, so it's a learning experience. Well, I ran into a little trouble. I don't know how to work ...
[2 replies] Last: That's pretty cool, thanks dude. (by VenomousNinja)
downloading files with LibCurl
can anyone help me getting my application to download a file from the internet and save it on the harddisk with the LibCurl API?
[3 replies] Last: > where do i get more info? You can ask on Adv. Win32 api newsgroup... (by george135)
September 2008 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [aug2008] [oct2008]

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