by Dark Byte
Very simple program will not run
[3 replies] Last: LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM l... (by Kiana)
by dravetodd
C++; void convert assistance
[1 reply] : Please don't duplcate... (by kbw)
by Madog
Price Is Right Program
[1 reply] : it would be good if you could state which line has the problem.....too... (by carlsum1986)
by laxman30
Scroll Bar handling in MFC
[2 replies] Last: CScrollBarDlg::OnVScroll/CScrollBarDlg::OnHScroll Really though, yo... (by Kiana)
by h32Lg
Writing/Using a Garmin Device driver (USB) on a windows machine.
[4 replies] Last: Hi thanks for sharing information. NMEA_0183 is a simple ASCII, serial... (by sohguanh)
Opening SQL Server |
[2 replies] Last: ShellExecute () function will be of use, if it doesn't work you need... (by satya111)
by yogesh1454
[1 reply] : (by JoR)
by Null
Multidesk program doesn't work
[no replies]
by carlsum1986
blinking text cursor
[3 replies] Last: it is seteditsel() (by carlsum1986)
by fuzzylr
[5 replies] Last: You can access an inifile using GetPrivateProfileString. http://msdn.... (by kbw)
by fatal
OpenCV2.1 in Visual Studio 2010
[1 reply] : Have you tried to put break point and run it step by step ? If you ha... (by Dufresne)
adding arrays? |
[1 reply] : The lscores array and the escores arrays are not initialized. You de... (by Darokthar)
by tal
moving cursor to window corner
[3 replies] Last: That function looks right (although I wouldn't have bothered to use n... (by guestgulkan)
by jumper007
Plot -.-
[2 replies] Last: yeah, sorry i tought that my question should be posted on Windows prog... (by jumper007)
by changma83
C++ I got stuck with 2 errors
[1 reply] : Cardgame.h: #pragma once #ifndef CARDGAME_H #define CARDGAME... (by Ravskie)
Check for Updates |
[2 replies] Last: RakNet also has the kind of function you're looking for. (by Ravskie)
by Ravskie
Serious problem, 2 days still cannot figure it out
[3 replies] Last: I actually managed to set the game buttons text successfully using my ... (by Ravskie)
by jumper007
Im noob in API, can u show me....
[18 replies] Last: Load the images into an array (probably HBITMAPs). Then, in each itera... (by Kiana)
C++: Hiding the console |
[3 replies] Last: Or you could just link the program with the windows subsystem. #pr... (by Kiana)
by cipher1729
simple applications in C++
[4 replies] Last: To make an alarm clock just use GetLocalTime . (by Kiana)