Windows Programming - October 2010 (Page 2)

by ade161
assistance with program
Hello, i need assistance in creating a program that allows the user to enter a payroll code. The program should research for the payroll code in the file a...
[1 reply] : strtok? (by Kiana)
a function that recieves 5 arguments and returns 5
The title might not be of much clarity but what I am tyring to do is write a program that will consist of a main program holding an array of 5 elements. The mai...
[3 replies] Last: You don't need to modify arguments for this, or do anything out of the... (by Disch)
MSVCR100D.dll is missing error
Well I made a Win32 application using Visual C++ 2010. I had a friend try it and it said "MSVCR100D.dll is missing", any way of fixing this?
[6 replies] Last: Umm I don't know any of the "terms" that have to do with projects, com... (by OHGxLeetGamerxOHG)
Current file position?
Is there a function that returns the current file position? Like cstdio's ftell(FILE*) function. I'm opening the file with a HANDLE and CreateFile() ...
[1 reply] : LONG GetFilePointer(HANDLE hFile) { return SetFilePointer(hFil... (by Null)
Is it possible to load images without using resource scripts?
I need to load BMPs without using resources is that possible?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by Dark Byte)
MFC radio buttons control
hello, I have an exercise to build a simple GUI in MFC. I need to make few radio buttons which were change a background of my rectangle. Here is my code : ...
[no replies]
by minime
ReadFile error 31
Hi, I've been using the readfile api to read an image of a hard disk drive which has been mounted to become a virtual disk. It reads fine for the most pa...
[no replies]
disabling button after login
hi i want to have a button disabled at runtime after a user login with certain credentials.can someone please point me in the right direction?
[4 replies] Last: thank you guys for the reply. i have a txt file with some user credent... (by roninn75)
by Gilmar
Hi, Just want to ask what is meant by this: CSampleClass & CSampleClass::operator = (CSampleClass & node) { .... } Why an ampersand is present? t...
[3 replies] Last: The copy operator is one of the four functions that is generated for y... (by kbw)
by firix
static members problems
hi Define two classes, each with a s t a t i c member, so that the construction of each static member involves a reference to the other. Where might such const...
[no replies]
by Mazd
Run external file
Hi,guys i need run .inf and .bat files when corresponding button is clicked,help plz,(in QT or Win32)
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by Mazd)
STRUCT Library System
I badly need to finish this program before wednesday nextweek :( i am only a freshmen college student and i am still getting familiar of all the codes in c++. ...
[2 replies] Last: Well, you've already laid out your problem and now you need the logic ... (by nickburress2k2)
Array Return
I have made a function for receiving data on a socket connection. Now what I want is that function returns the received data. The data could be anything so that...
[5 replies] Last: For some C complier,there are no inline.You have to define global sco... (by simo110)
printing out non-consecutive numbers
I have the following program that uses the for loop to print out numbers 60 to 1. I, however, need to modify the loop so that it prints out numbers in a way tha...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { for (int counter = 60; counte... (by Kiana)
Beginnig Firewall
My team has decided to make a simple ip filtering firewall.But do not know where to start. I have the following questions,can anyone answer these: - 1. How can...
[1 reply] : You can review other product's source from sourceforge.There are many ... (by simo110)
User-defined input file name
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and require some assistance. I have to make a program that reads from a file and prints the first three words from after t...
[2 replies] Last: ...perhaps, but that doesn't answer his question. Line 18 should re... (by Duthomhas)
Edit box not updating
I have a window that includes x (depending on height) edit controls. If there are more than x variables to be entered, the user can scroll up and down using th...
[1 reply] : Please update your value from edit box to your variable. UpdateData(... (by simo110)
Starting a Program?
Hey, Im new to C++ and i need help making a program. I made a GUI, and i inserted some button, They work. But i got one more button that needs extra work. I ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys :D Ill try to work with these. Also, can you tell me whats... (by spongebox)
Web programing!
Hi everyone! I want to develop a Markowitz portfolio theory in C++ and wonder if its possible to get the secondly changing data from the web (e.g.
[2 replies] Last: Nice tip, anna. Good to see spambots back in action. tsotne - what ... (by Pax)
by bkovar
Hex to Decimal, call of overload error
on this line of my program: sum=sum+(b *pow(16,j)); the complier gives me a message that reads "call of overload 'pow(int, int&) is ambiguous. i have no i...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much :) it works like a charm now (by bkovar)
October 2010 Pages: 1234
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