by c0y454
Win32 Progress Bar
[12 replies] Last: Okay, thanks. I did what you said and set PBS-SMOOTH in the resource f... (by c0y454)
Compile .cpp from .exe on any computer |
[12 replies] Last: Haha, you win. (by Kiana)
by snazziosity
Will It Compile?
[1 reply] : It compiles fine but output is not valid: Please make a selectio... (by Null)
by macla
Remote Install Software
[1 reply] : Why not just use an installer package + a RAT? (by Kiana)
by OscRich
Undefined references
[2 replies] Last: The errors still persist. I removed the blank spaces and it's the same... (by OscRich)
by crazycoder
Win32 Status Bar
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by crazycoder)
by Zyl
IEEE-754 irritation
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestions, but rather than just replacing my solution... (by Zyl)
by pyrospade
ODBC Class
[3 replies] Last: I'm sure someone knows the answer...why can I not do this? Here is th... (by pyrospade)
by Dark Byte
Problem with compiling with MinGW while using resources
[1 reply] : You can use windres (part of MinGW) to compile .rc files into object f... (by Athar)
by weiqiangt
grey image opencv displaying image
[1 reply] : Check what cvLoadImage is returning. If it returns a pointer to an ima... (by slutbit)
by mael15
linking wxWidgets dynamically fails
[no replies]
by JungleJesus
Compile and Use Libraries in CDT
[no replies]
by chiyuwang
How to replace _wopen/_open by OpenFile
[1 reply] : OpenFile is not recommended, use CreateFile instead: HANDLE hFile=Cr... (by Null)
by kirubalks
C++ Application not working on system boot
[3 replies] Last: I don't know for sure why the working directory is set to system32, bu... (by Moooce)
by SkunkieButt
Keyboard Input
[3 replies] Last: If you want to capture keyboard events just use SetWindowsHookEx with ... (by Kiana)
by c0y454
Changing text in a Form during runtime
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot!! It works great. :) (by c0y454)
by ThomasTT
ReadProcessMemory() error
[2 replies] Last: I remember writing a tool to patch memory in a running application onc... (by Zyl)
Handling Text |
[1 reply] : You'll have to subclass the edit control, see (by Null)
by kyle11778
tutorial need fixing...
[5 replies] Last: thanks i just realized that i could drag and drop the folder onto the ... (by kyle11778)
binary to decimal conversion |
[8 replies] Last: nickburress2k2 - My bad, forgot that :3 vasiqisbewildered - np :-... (by Kiana)